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Lift's visit to the Nightwatcher leaves her with a rather unique trait, one that is not among the typical power set of the Edgedancers.{{book ref|sa2|i|9}} She exists partially in the Cognitive realm, which grants her some special abilities. The first is that she can touch spren, something that is supposed to be impossible, as they exist mostly in the Cognitive realm. This ability greatly helps Lift with her thievery, as Wyndle takes the form of a vine. He can make handholds or increase the width of ledges for Lift by growing where she needs to go, but no one else is able to see or touch him.
Lift's other power is even more impressive.{{book ref|sa2|i|9}} Most Surgebinders need to draw Stormlight from an external source in order to manipulate the Surges. Lift, however, can metabolize food directly into Stormlight, instead of sugar.{{17s ref|post|245060|What she can do is she can metabolize into investiture instead of sugar.|date=February 20, 2015}} Food that she can metabolize quicker, such as bread can be metabolized into Stormlight faster than something like sausage, but may provide less Stormlight overall because it has fewer calories. However, this is limited to substances that she can normally digest into nutrients.{{wob ref|date=2016-12-3|2506|Arcanum Unbounded Hoboken signing}} She can also convert the energy reserves in her own body into Stormlight. These abilities are unique to Lift.{{qawob ref|1084|15940}} However, this power can be dangerous too, as she often risks malnutrition when she burns through all her excess energy.{{book ref|sa2|i|9}} There is another issue with the fact that Lift can gain Stormlight from food. She does not learn how to drain Stormlight from external sources, so the amount of Stormlight she can use is limited by the amount of food she has eaten.
It is hinted that Lift wished to remain the same, not change, or to remain young.{{book ref|sa2.5|15}} The actual boon and curse are still unknown.
Her spirit-web has been given the ability to convert mass directly to [[Investiture]].{{qawob ref|1172|32739}}
According to the Stormfather, Lift's boon is unique, as it allows her control over the visions entrusted to him by [[Honor]]. She is able to enter the visions without the Stormfather's help, leaving on her own and taking [[Yanagawn]] with her. This infuriated the Stormfather, as the Nightwatcher had effectively diminished his authority.{{book ref|sa3|42}}
== Development ==
Lift is a character that [[Brandon Sanderson]] has had in his head for quite a while.{{qawob ref|1112|286465}} She is a classic example of what he is hoping to do with a broader series, such as the [[Stormlight Archive]]. With the extra space a multi-book series allows, Sanderson wants to create a world full of cultures and characters that are less common in fantasy and science fiction. Lift is an outgrowth of this desire. Sanderson wants the [[Knights Radiant]] to be something different than classical European knights. He doesn't want them to all be young, white, men swearing oaths of chivalry and valor. Sanderson was looking for a character that would be interesting and popular, but no one's first idea when they thought of a knight. Lift, a thirteen year old girl on a thieving crew with a weird sense of morality, is the result. Sanderson hopes that playing with concepts like these, and stretching our ideas of what a fantasy book and it's characters should look like will allow him to avoid the staleness that is a common complaint in science fiction and fantasy.
Lift's appearance in an interlude in [[Words of Radiance]] will be the first of many.{{qawob ref|1080|12882}} Sanderson decided to write an interlude featuring her, as a sort of "seed" for her future appearances.{{qawob ref|1069|145621}} She is one of the flashback characters for the second five book arc in the Stormlight Archive,{{qawob ref|1047|211673}} something that Sanderson has planned for a long time.{{qawob ref|1112|286465}} As one of the characters in the back five books, Lift will become even more prominent as the series continues.{{qawob ref|1030|41673}} Sanderson intends to perhaps even write a few more short stories featuring Lift before he publishes her books.{{qawob ref|1052|767909}}
== Trivia ==
{{qa ref|date=2013-08-31|1030|4|It will focus mostly on different characters}}
{{qa ref|date=2014-03-11|1069|14|Lift is seeded there because she will be very important later on}}
{{qa ref|date=2014-03-21|1047|21|Yes, Lift is one of the characters who was originally planned for the back five}}
{{qa ref|date=2014-03-19|1080|1|Lift, specifically, is one of the characters in the back five}}
{{qa ref|date=2014-03-21|1052|76|And I'll probably do some more shorts with Lift because she is so much fun}}
{{qa ref|date=2014-04-16|1112|28|You will get a lot more with Lift}}
{{qa ref|date=2014-08-13|1084|15|Lift is one of a kind}}
{{17s ref|date=2015-02-20|post|245060|What she can do is she can metabolize into investiture instead of sugar}}
{{qa ref|date=2016-09-23|1172|3|Out of Excuses 2016 report}}
{{reddit ref|date=2017-12-03|Stormlight_Archive|7haotl|text=Hoid doesn't like Bacon}}

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