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|world=First of the Sun
'''Nightmaws''' are enormous bird-like predators native to the island [[Patji]] in the [[Pantheon]] on [[First of the Sun]].{{book ref|sixth}}
== Behavior and Abilities ==
Nightmaws are nocturnal, they do all of their hunting at night.{{book ref|sixth}} Many of a nightmaw's normal senses are relatively dull; they are almost completely deaf and blind. However their sense of smell is incredible and they have the ability to track minds, detecting the Cognitive Aspects of their prey. This makes them deadly predators, if a nightmaw sees their prey they are almost certainly slated for death. They are also clever for beasts, in fact some think nightmaws have begun to realize that humans make use of the mind-shielding Aviar and can only be tracked by scent. A trapper's only option is to avoid them or die. Their thick skin is nearly impervious to regular bladed weapons, although it is vulnerable to larger gunpowder-based weapons such as Vathi's spear canon. The nightmaw's skill at hunting makes it the apex predator on at least Patji, although it is uncertain if they exist on any of the other islands of the Pantheon.
Synod, Editors, Keepers
