Diferencia entre revisiones de «Abronai»

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== History ==
When the discovery of stormform iswas put before the Five, Abronai supportssupported [[Eshonai]] in her proposal that she be the first to take on the new form.{{book ref|sa2|i|4}} He believesbelieved that since the [[spren]] had again returnreturned to grant mankind the ancient powers of [[Surgebinding]], as Eshonai witnessed in [[Kaladin]], that the Parshendi also needneeded to reach for thetheir forms of power.
When Eshonai returnsreturned praising the benefits of stormform, Abronai initially agreesagreed that they should have their people take stormform en masse.{{book ref|sa2|i|11}} However, due to Eshonai's new harsh and cruel personality and [[Zuln]]'s objections, he becomesbecame uncertain. Also,Abronai Abronaiwas isalso still offput by the red eyes of stormform and skeptical about whether it cancould truly summon a [[highstorm]].
After Eshonai's words stirstirred the Parshendi people into rebellion, Abronai iswas taken into custody with all the other Parshendi who refuserefused to take stormform.{{book ref|sa2|i|11}} He likely escapesescaped with [[Thude]] and the rest of the dissenters into the chasms of the [[Shattered Plains]].
== Appearance & Personality ==
Synod, Editors, Keepers


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