Diferencia entre revisiones de «Abismo del Honor»

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'''Honor Chasm''' iswas a chasm in the [[Shattered Plains]] that is located a short distance from Highprinceon [[SadeasRoshar]]' camp.
It was located a short distance from Highprince [[Sadeas]]' camp.
|[[Kaladin]]'s thoughts on the chasm.<ref>{{bref|TWoK|c|11}}</ref>}}
ThisIt iswas the only place outsidethat of the camp thatSadeas' [[bridgemen]] arewere allowed to govisit unsupervised, whoand visitwas used to commit suicide.
== Mentions ==
[[Kaladin]] makesmade a trip to the chasm at one point, meaning to jump from it, but iswas distracted by the return of [[Syl]] and endsended up returning to the camp with renewed purpose.
== Notes ==
40 275
