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Kalak is horrified and disturbed that both Jezrien and himself have been broken by the cycle of Desolations and that they are too weak to face their suffering. They plan to lie and tell the people that they finally won against the "enemy", and hopes that it might even turn out to be true. Their abandonment of mankind is somewhat diluted by the fact that Ishar, another Herald, believes that "...so long as there is one of us still bound to the Oathpact (Talenel), it may be enough. There is a chance we might end the cycle of Desolations." Jezrien points out that mankind also has the [[Knights Radiant|Radiants]].
Finally, both Jezrien and Kalak summon their Blades and slam them into the ground along with the other seven. They depart following opposite directions along the barren landscape, vowing to go their own ways and to not seek one another, or any other of the Heralds. As Kalak is leaving the ring of swords, he looks back and notices a single open spot, "The place where the tenth sword should have gone." Kalak feels a deep sorrow and shame for Taln's exclusion and thinks, "Forgive us...", then leaves.
*[[bws: annotation-the-way-of-kings-prelude/|Prelude Annotation]]
Because as a Shin, Szeth considers a dying wish to be sacred, he leaves a note for Dalinar written in Gavilar's blood. He takes the sphere and flees.
*[[bws: annotation-the-way-of-kings-prologue/|Prologue Annotation]]
== Part One: Above Silence ==
The opposing force arrives and the battle begins. Kaladin's squad does not lose a single man. At one point, Kaladin singlehandedly fights off six enemy spearmen to save Cenn. When an enemy [[Brightlord]] appears, Kaladin and his squad attempt to defeat him. They are hindered, however, by the arrival of an enemy [[Shardbearer]]. Cenn is killed by blood loss, and the scene cuts out.
*[[bws: annotation-the-way-of-kings-chapter-1/|Chapter 1 Annotation]]
{{anchor|Chapter 2}}
In his anger at the other slave's murder, he crushed the blackbane against the bars of the wagon, losing most of it.
*[[bws: annotation-the-way-of-kings-chapter-2/|Chapter 2 Annotation]]
{{anchor|Chapter 3}}
The chapter ends with Shallan turning a corner and seeing Jasnah.
*[[bws: annotation-the-way-of-kings-chapter-3/|Chapter 3 Annotation]]
{{anchor|Chapter 4}}
The other slaves express hope that they will be treated fairly in the warcamps. Kaladin has his doubts, thinking of the many lighteyes who have proven to be corrupt in the past. His one remaining hope is that he will be allowed to fight again.
*[[bws: annotation-the-way-of-kings-chapter-4/|Chapter 4 Annotation]]
{{anchor|Chapter 5}}
Jasnah rejects Shallan as her ward because of her lack of education in history and philosophy. Shallan is frustrated, but decides to persevere. It is then that Shallan reveals that she wishes to become Jasnah's ward not out of scholarly pursuit, but in order to steal her Soulcaster to help her family's finances recover.
*[[bws: annotation-the-way-of-kings-chapter-5/|Chapter 5 Annotation]]
{{anchor|Chapter 6}}
Though he is exhausted, Kaladin takes a spot on the bridge and begins the long way back to camp.
*[[bws: annotation-the-way-of-kings-chapter-6/|Chapter 6 Annotation]]
{{anchor|Chapter 7}}
Kabsal tells Shallan that he is trying to convert Jasnah, an avowed athiest, to [[Vorinism]]. He leaves, asking her to let Jasnah know that he had come by to speak with her. She agrees, and begins to lacquer her drawings. She realizes that she's been there for quite a while and begins to gather her things, leaving the letter for Jasnah. Before she can leave, however, Jasnah appears in the doorway.
*[[bws: annotation-the-way-of-kings-chapter-7/|Chapter 7 Annotation]]
{{anchor|Chapter 8}}
Shallan reflects that now she's completed the first phase of her plan, but now needs to discover how to accomplish the rest of it without being caught.
*[[bws: annotation-the-way-of-kings-chapter-8/|Chapter 8 Annotation]]
{{anchor|Chapter 9}}
The bridge crews are called on another run, and the boy who reminded him of Tien is killed, as well as the only remaining man from Kaladin's first bridge run. Kaladin thinks to himself that he is dead inside, then begins to cry.
*[[bws: annotation-the-way-of-kings-chapter-9/|Chapter 9 Annotation]]
{{anchor|Chapter 10}}
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