Diferencia entre revisiones de «Navani Kholin»

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m (Added new info., links, ref.s)
Navani and her crew of ardents make a breakthrough with Shardblades in realizing that the gemstones in the Blades - used to [[Nahel bond|bond]] them - might not have originally been part of the weapons. If true, it means the Blades aren't powered by the stones. [[Rushu]] had asked why a Shardblade can be summoned and dismissed even if its gemstone has gone dun. ... If true, artifabrians are back to knowing absolutely nothing about how Shardblades were crafted. It seems the gemstone's purpose is ''only'' used in initially bonding the Blade - something the [[Knights Radiant|Radiants]] didn't need to do.{{book ref|sa2|67}}
After accepting Shallan within her fold, Navani decides to lead the research team studying the quotes with which Shallan has provided her from Jasnah's research regarding the [[Oathgate]], Knights Radiant, and [[Urithiru]].{{book ref|sa2|77}} Navani co-opts Dalinar's scribes and cartographers to locate the Oathgate, but he accuses Shallan of doing so. She, in turn, states that she was really just there when Navani changed her mind. {{book ref|sa2|78}}
Navani cannot set up fabrials remotely; she needs to be on-site. Her fabrials are needed to bathe the battlefield in an extraordinarily even white light. She causes pavilions to be erected to protect soldiers from the elements..{{book ref|sa2|81}}{{book ref|sa2|82}}
== Relationships ==
