Diferencia entre revisiones de «Lift»

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After this, Lift returned to the orphanage to claim her second meal from the Stump. While she was there she saw the boy whose mother dropped him off during her first visit. She noticed that his condition seemed to have significantly improved. The Stump blamed this on him faking his injury all along so he could take from the orphanage.{{book ref|sa2.5|10}} She also had another conversation with the old man outside the orphanage.
Lift went off in search of a place where records in the city were stored. She traded for information with a woman who pointed her to the [[Grand Indicium]] at the center of the city.{{book ref|sa2.5|11}} She traveled to the large building to find information about the other Surgebinder in the city.{{book ref|sa2.5|12}} She went straight to the front of the building, and told the scribe at the desk that she was a friend of the emperor of Azir. The scribe did not believe her so Lift used a [[spandreedspanreed]] to contact the Aquasix in Azimir who bade the scribes to assist Lift.{{book ref|sa2.5|13}} She ordered the scribes to search the information for any strange events that have happened in the city recently, but none of them seemed pertinent. The scribes abandoned the search due to the incoming [[Everstorm]]. Lift realized that Darkness' minions likely got the same idea to track down the Surgebinder as she did, and heads off in search of where in the building they might be.{{book ref|sa2.5|14}}
When she found the room where Darkness' lackeys were looking for the information, Lift had Wyndle follow them inside to listen for who they were targeting. She stayed outside the room which was guarded by Szeth, who was sitting in the hallway outside the door. Wyndle did not gather much information other than the fact that the Skybreakers had found their target, so Lift followed them when they left the room.{{book ref|sa2.5|15}} She was confronted by Szeth who partially unsheathed [[Nightblood]]. Outside the building Szeth had a conversation with Lift, he informed her that he did not attack her in the hallway because Nightblood liked her. He told her the other Skybreakers were in search of the old man who often sits outside the orphanage. There were rumors that he could change his appearance and he was marked as a potential [[Lightweaver]]. He told her she had no chance of catching up to them in time, but Lift set out after them anyway.{{book ref|sa2.5|16}}
Outside Lift found that instead of the old man being the one harmed, it was in fact the two Skybreakers who lay dead on the ground. The man revealed himself to be [[Arclo]] a Dysian [[Aimian]]. He went on several tangents about philosophy before revealing that Darkness would go after the other Surgebinder if she were to flee. Arclo then guided Lift to the conclusion that the Stump was the other Surgebinder, leaving Lift to go back running towards the orphanage.{{book ref|sa2.5|18}}
She arrived at the orphanage to find that Darkness had beaten her there. They fought and he ultimately trapped her with his knife until the Stump came back down from the roof of the orphanage. The Stump Struck Darkness with a wood board, which allowed Lift to free herself. Darkness stabbed the Stump and left her to bleed out while he chased Lift. They ended up on the roof, where Lift stated the [[Immortal wordsWords|second ideal]] of the Edgedancer, which allowed Wyndle to form a shard weapon to block Darkness' Shardblad. Lift urged Nale to view the raging Everstorm and parshmen transformed into Stormform Listeners which convinced him that the Voidbringers were back, and that there was no point in killing Surgebinders.{{book ref|sa2.5|19}}
Synod, Editors, Keepers
