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155 bytes añadidos ,  hace 12 años
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==Allomantic Use==
A steel [[Misting]] is known as a '''Coinshot'''. Steelpushing is the art of usingburning steel to push onmetals metalaway (in a straight line) from the user's center of gravity.<ref>Alloy of Law, Ars Arcanum</ref> There are two general rules for steelpushing, which also apply to ironpulling, it's paired opposite. The first rule is that the strength of your push is roughly proportional to your physical weight. This means that larger Allomancers can generally steelpush and ironpull more powerfully than a smaller counterpart. While proportional, the force exerted by an steelpush is much greater than the Allomancer's weight, allowing them to push themselves into the air by pushing on a piece of metal that is on the ground (or is anchored to something that weighs more than they do). The second rule is that metal that is at least partially inside a person's body cannot be affected by steel. Both of these rules can be overcome by a sufficiently strong Allomancer, however.
Steelpushing is a fairly flashy ability. It allows the user to fly through the air in quite spectacular ways, using only coins (or other small metal objects) placed on the ground. It can be used offensively, as the name suggests, to shoot metal objects as projectiles. As the coins are much smaller than the Allomancer, they gain quite a bit of speed over time. Steelpushing can also be used defensively, by creating a bubble around the user to deflect incoming metal objects.
==Feruchemical Use==
A steel [[Ferring]] is known as a '''Steelrunner'''. Steel is used to store physical speed. Then, by tapping his steelmind, a Feruchemist can move many times faster than a normal human, even one buring [[pewter]]. While storing speed, a Feruchemist feelsis very sluggish.<ref>Alloy of Law, Ars Arcanum</ref>
==Hemalurgic Use==
When used as a Hemalurgic spike, steel steals the physical Allomantic powers ([[iron]], steel, [[pewter]] and [[tin]]).


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