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(Created page with "The name used to reference the unknown metal referenced in both Shadows of Self and Bands of Mourning. It gains this name in reference to the presumed god/shard currently know...")
The name used to reference the unknown metal referenced in both Shadows of Self and Bands of Mourning. It gains this name in reference to the presumed god/shard currently known as Trell on Scadrial. It follows the trend of other God metals in using the actual name of the shard bearer plus 'ium'. Ati + ium = Atium for Ruin and Leras + ium = Lerasium for Preservation.
This unknown metal is used for the hemalurgic spikes that keep the user hidden from Harmony. First seen with Paalm in Shadows of Self, they are also seen in Bands of Mourning used by the Set.
It is unknown what this metal's allomantic or feruchemical powers would be but presumably its hemalurgic ability is similar to that of Atium, allowing the transfer of any ability with somewhat variable success depending on the binding point. It could also be assumed that, like Atium, any ability provided through its spikes would be fueled by its respective shard, Trell, rather than Preservation.

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