Diferencia entre revisiones de «Kaladin»

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Later, during one of their chasm duty sessions, Kaladin secretly begins training Bridge Four, which has now dwindled to twenty-four members in total, as spearmen. To assist with the training, Kaladin tricks Teft into revealing that he had formerly been a sergeant and appoints him to oversee the men. To maintain their cover of working in the chasms, he assigns Lopen, Rock, [[Dabbid]], and Shen to do actual salvage work, with Syl's assistance. Kaladin is impressed at the men's progress after only a few hours, and remarks that thanks to their adverse conditions, they are ironically the most motivated and fit recruits that he has ever seen.{{book ref|sa1|49}}
==== BattleDiscovery of theSurgebinding Towerpowers ====
In one of the next bridge runs, [[Dunny]] dies. Frustrated, Kaladin starts rescuing members of the other bridge crews and commands his men to carry them back to the barracks, even though he barely has enough resources for his own men. His actions cause Teft's suspicions about Kaladin being a Knight Radiant to grow stronger.{{book ref|twok|53}}
Later that evening, Kaladin comes across [[Hoid]], who tells him the story of [[Derethil]] and the ''[[Wandersail]]'', a story that Kaladin interprets as one about taking responsibility. Before Hoid leaves, he gives Kaladin a [[Trailman's flute]] and tells him to look after his apprentice Sigzil, leaving Kaladin to inform Sigzil that he is now a full [[Worldsinger]]. Syl, who was present for the story, returns to Kaladin and explains what she remembers and knows about Kaladin's powers. Syl offers to cut off their bond, leaving them both crippled, but Kaladin finally decides to take on the responsibility that Surgebinding represents and use the power to help others.{{book ref|twok|57}}
Kaladin spends a week with Teft unsuccessfully trying to learn how to use his Surgebinding powers while Bridge Four continues training to be spearmen. While trying to learn Surgebinding, Teft tells Kaladin what he knows about the Knights Radiant, teaching him the First Ideal of the [[Immortal Words]].{{book ref|twok|59}}
He went back to Teft and they started practicing how to use Surgebinding consciously. Teft also taught Kaladin about the [[Immortal Words]]. They ran into Brightness Hashal and her husband, Hashal informed them that Bridge Four would be on bridge duty every day from then on while doing chasm duty at nights. While doing chasm duty, Kaladin found a Parshendi corpse and cut his carapace armor. He used Full Lashing and tied the armor to the permanent bridge they had used before.{{book ref|twok|59}}
Since Bridge Four's performance is now excellent thanks to their training, Hashal informs Kaladin that Bridge Four will go on every bridge run, without the normal break between bridge runs, as further reprisal for the side carry incident. In response to the increased danger that this change brings, Kaladin comes up with a plan to use the skins of dead Parshendi found in the chasms as armor. In order to bring the armor out of the chasms, he successfully manages to access his powers to run up a wall to attach the armor to the underside of the permanent bridge that was used earlier for spheres.{{book ref|twok|59}}
During the next bridge run, Kaladin wears the carapace armor, drawing the attention of the Parshendi. The desecration of a Parshendi corpse enrages the Parshendi warriors who focus all of their attention on Kaladin, ignoring everyone else on the battlefield. Kaladin's Surgebinding, which has slowly grown, protect him from any harm, and the plan is a resounding success. While Bridge Four are resting, a group of Parshendi soldiers attempt to ambush Bridge Four but [[Dalinar Kholin]] comes to their rescue, and salutes them as he leaves.{{book ref|twok|62}}
Since the armor is so effective, Kaladin orders [[Leyten]] to make a set of armor for every man in Bridge Four, not just those running in front. Meanwhile, the training for the men is advancing rapidly, with [[Moash]] and [[Skar]] being the most skilled.{{book ref|twok|63}}
==== Battle of the Tower ====
Ten days later, around late {{date/sa|year=1173|month=8}}, Bridge Four participates in the [[Battle of the Tower]], when the combined armies of Highprince Sadeas and Dalinar assault the [[Tower]]. By this time, they have not only perfected using the carapace armor, but have made enough sets to outfit the entire unit.{{book ref|sa2|64}} The battle begins well, with only [[Skar]] and Teft taking relatively minor injuries.{{book ref|sa2|65}}
The next chasm run, Kaladin wore the armor and ran ahead of the bridge crews wearing the Parshendi armor. Parshendi were angry because Kaladin had disturbed the corpse of one of their kind and focused all their archers on Kaladin. He managed to dodge them with his abilities and bridge crews managed to set their bridges without casualty. Others volunteered to run with Kaladin and they decided that five men should run before the bridge crews every time. While they were resting, a group of Parshendi soldiers ambushed Bridge Four but [[Dalinar Kholin]] came to their rescue.{{book ref|twok|62}} Kaladin told [[Leyten]] to make a set of armor for every man in Bridge Four, not just those running in front.{{book ref|twok|63}}
Shortly after, Kaladin receives the order to retreat. Kaladin, on assessing the state of the army, quickly realizes that Sadeas has setup a trap, and has abandoned Dalinar on the Tower with no means of escape.{{book ref|twok|66}} While retreating, Kaladin comes up with the idea of using the chaos of battle to escape, allowing the army to think that the men have been killed. As Kaladin is working out the details of the escape, Syl urges Kaladin to save Dalinar's army, revealing that she has remembered that she is an [[honorspren]], spirit of oaths, promises, and nobility. After a moment of internal conflict, Kaladin orders his men to turn around and head back towards Dalinar's army.{{book ref|sa2|67}}
In the Battle of the Tower, Sadeas abandoned Dalinar and his army at the Tower Plateau, escaping with all of his bridge crews.{{book ref|twok|66}} Kaladin told Lamaril that they would follow behind the army with their own bridge, claiming they were too tired to keep pace. Kaladin believed they could fool the army into thinking they were dead by falling further and further behind. However, when he and Bridge Four saw Dalinar's army surrounded by the overwhelming numbers of Parshendi, they decided they couldn't abandon them all to die alone.
Bridge Four chargedcharges the plateau to set their bridge and give Dalinar's army a chance to escape. AsDuring thetheir charge, a unit of Parshendi archers onflanks theBridge TowerFour openedand firefires ona Bridgevolley Fourof arrows at their unprotected flank. In order to protect his men, Kaladin instinctivelyperforms usedhis agreatest ReverseSurgebinding Lashingfeat to drawdate, thedrawing entireover volleya of Parshendihundred arrows to his shield. Exhaustedwhile bybathed thein efforta and expendedfountain of alllight. hisKaladin reservecollapses Stormlightafter this feat; on regaining consciousness, Kaladin collapsedsees tohis themen groundunder attack, about to die. TheAfter resta moment of Bridgedespair, FourKaladin rescuedspeaks himthe from[[Immortal theWords|Second frontIdeal]] linesof andthe continued[[Windrunner]]s, tounlocking seta thenew bridgelevel of power. Upon Surrenderingspeaking tothe hisSecond fatigueIdeal, Kaladin nearlygenerates fella wave of stormlight powerful enough to depression,throw believingback hean hadentire failedenemy torank protectof BridgeParshendi, Fourand justbegins aspushing heback hadthe failedParshendi towith protectincredible Tienspeed yearsand agopower.{{book ref|twok|67}}
Regaining consciousness, Kaladin shook off his dark memories and ran to Bridge Four's aid. At the urging of Syl, he spoke the [[Immortal Words|Second Ideal]] of the [[Windrunner]]s, exploding with Stormlight and pushing back the Parshendi attacking Bridge Four with incredible speed and power.{{book ref|twok|67}} Amazed at his recovery and awed by the Stormlight still radiating from his body, his bridge crew joined him against the attackers and held the bridge until Dalinar's army arrived.
Fighting through to reach Adolin, Kaladin convinced him to order a retreat, and then single-handedly rescued Dalinar, still dazed from his battle with [[Eshonai]]. In the end, Kaladin and Bridge Four managed to save Dalinar and over twenty-six hundred of his men.{{book ref|twok|68}} Dalinar, in his gratitude, bought all the slaves in the bridge crews from Sadeas for the price of his Shardblade and then immediately freed them.{{book ref|twok|69}} Kaladin accepted Dalinar's offer to become his bodyguard, with the rank of captain, and was charged with training the former bridgemen for Dalinar's army.{{book ref|twok|73}}


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