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It appears that the bond between human and Shard is permanent. The only evidence of Shards changing hands after the original Shardholders are when a Shard dies. When that dies, the person’s original body rematerializes and falls to the ground as a corpse.<ref>{{bref|THoA|e|56}}</ref>
Ruin and Preservation were drawn together because they were such perfect opposites<ref>{{17s|614|May 2010 Q&A, Question 9}}</ref> (though not all Shards have pairs like those ones do{{cite}}). Direct confrontation between their two powers was excruciatingly painful, and they eventually destroyed each other. It is not clear whether if any two Shards collided, they would both die, or if this was simply an effect of Ruin and Preservation having such opposite intents.
It is implied that not all Shards are equal. Rayse is said to hold the most dangerous of the sixteen, Odium.<ref>{{bref|TWoK|e|19}}</ref><ref>{{bref|TWoK|c|46}}</ref> It is unknown what makes Odium inherently so dangerous, whether it is due to the intent, or because Odium actually has more power than other Shards.
|You've interacted with two directly.<br>
One is a tough call. You've never met the Shard itself, but you've seen its power.<br>
The other one you have not met directly, but have seen its influence.
|Brandon Sanderson<ref>[[Brandonology#HoA Thread|Hero of Ages Spoiler Thread]], Q: Have we met these four by name, or just by influence?</ref>