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Clamps has some knowledge of explosives.{{book ref|mb4|11}}
== History ==
As a member of the Vanishers, Clamps served as third in command of the gang, behind Miles and [[Tarson]].{{book ref|mb4|11}} Clamps' primary duty among the Vanishers was handling recruitment of new members, which he trained and managed in a foundry in [[Longard]].{{book ref|mb4|8}} Clamps recruited all of Miles' men, including the boy those capture and killed during the raid on the [[Yomen-Ostlin wedding dinner]]. One of the captured men, [[Sindren]], and several others were later tricked by [[Wayne]] into confirming that they had been recruited by Clamps.
Clamps and the other Vanishers left the foundry, and Clamps placed a series of explosive traps to try to kill [[WaxillumWaxillium Ladrian]] and Wayne, which he promised Miles would be successful.{{book ref|mb4|11}} Clamps then continued to recruit more men to replace those killed and captured during the wedding raid. He also accompanied Miles to a meeting with [[Edwarn Ladrian]], but did not participate or observe the conversation. Clamps watched over the men as they prepared for their raid on the [[Breaknaught]].{{book ref|mb4|15}} He accompanied the Vanishers on their raid on the car and then returned with them to their lair beneath the [[Ironspine Building]].{{book ref|mb4|17}}
Clamps' ultimate fate is so far unknown, it is not certain whether he was killed in the gunfight below the Ironspine Building, captured by the constables, or if he escaped from justice.
== Notes ==
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{{Mistborn|Era 2}}
Synod, Editors, Keepers


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