Diferencia entre revisiones de «Spren»

No hay cambio en el tamaño ,  hace 9 años
It should be noted that so far a number of times spren have been called Gods or as Syl put it "a tiny part of one." And Sanderson has confirmed that spren are slivers.{{cite}} If it is assumed that the Desolations began to occur before Odium killed Honor than it is likely that the Heralds first formed the Knights Radiant before Honor shattered entirely. This would imply that spren, at least Bondspren, where present in the world before Honor shattered. If this was true of Honor than it was/is likely true of Cultivation as well. These protospren present before Honor's death would be the equivalent of the piece of Preservation within each [[Scadrial|Scadrialan]].
In support of the above assumptions there is the fact that Odium is by no means dead, yet his Voidspren are still present on Roshar (and therefore likely inhabit [[Shadesmar]] as well). If he can send spren into the [[cosmere]] while alive but "imprisoned by the oathpact" (an act which would be necessary to create the Voidbringers and bring about each of the previous 99 desolations) it might be true that Honor and cultivationCultivation can send spren while alive too.
== Notes ==
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