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{{anchor|Chapter 38}}
Though his mother tries to engage Kal in helping her with cooking he sneaks out and catches up with his father who has an appointment with citylord Roshone. Lirin is surprised because Kal shouldn't have known about it but lets him join. This meeting is about the spheres that Lirin got from the former citylord Wistiow. Lirin and Kal dine with Roshone but eventually Kal is sent to the kitchen to leave his father and Roshone alone. There he meets Laral and Roshone's son Rillir who behavetried liketo treat Kal islike a servant ofbut their's what heKal refuses.
While on the way home Lirin tells Kal that he made Roshone believe that he probably will bend on the topic of these spheres, and during this conversation Kal realizes that Wistiow did never did give the spheres to Lirin. Kal's foundations are shaking but he understands his father and makes the decision to go to Kharbranth and become a real surgeon. AndKal there ismakes another decision Kal makes thisthat night: Hehe starts going with his full name "Kaladin" as for it is a man's name.
===Chapter 38: Envisager===
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