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Hallandren es una teocracia gobernada por el Panteón de los [[Retornado|Retornados]], liderado por el [Rey dios|rey-dios]]. Los '''Tonos Iridiscentes''', que nacieron del [[Culto de los Retornados]], es la religión que está detrás de esta teocracia, y es la responsable de la adoración y cuidado de los Retornados de Hallandren. Cada Retornado recibe un palacio en la '''Corte de los Dioses''' en T'Telir, y son atendidos por un grupo de sirvientes y sacerdotes. Los sacerdotes organizan los encuentros entre los Retornados y los ciudadanos, incluyendo la ofrenda semanal de [[aliento]] que los Retornados necesitan para sobrevivir, y las audiencias diarias de peticiones.
Hallandren is a theocracy ruled by the Pantheon of the [[Returned]], headed by the [[God King]]. The '''Iridescent Tones''', which grew out of the [[Cult of the Returned]], is the religion behind this theocracy, and is responsible for the worship and care of the Hallandren Returned. Each Returned is given a palace in the '''Court of Gods''' in T'Telir, and served by a group of attendants and priests. The priests organize the interactions between the Returned and the citizens, including the weekly offering of [[Breath]] that the Returned require to survive and the daily hearing of petitions.
Como parte del gobierno, a cada Retornado se le asignan unas funciones administrativas específicas, como mantener las cloacas de la ciudad o dirigir parte del ejército. Supuestamente, el rey-dios puede tomar cualquier decisión que desee, aunque, en la realidad, la mayor parte de las decisiones del día a día son tomadas por los sacerdotes de los diferentes dioses.
As part of the government, each Returned is assigned specific administrative duties, such as maintaining the city sewers or commanding part of the army. The God King can nominally make any decision he pleases, but in reality much of the day-to-day government decisions are made by the priests of the various gods.
AUn newnuevo Godrey-dios Kinges iselegido selectedcada whenvez anque infantRetorna Returnsun niño.{{book ref|wb|55}} TheLos Godsacerdotes King’sdel priestsrey-dios takese antoman infantel ReturningRetorno asde aun signniño thatcomo it’suna timeseñal tode changeque Godes Kings.hora Theyde thencambiar choosede arey-dios. wifeEntonces, foreligen theuna Godesposa Kingpara andel hoperey-dios shey hasesperan a child,que astenga theyun wouldhijo, ratherpara haveasí thepoder Godtener King'sun literalhijo childpropio del rey-dios.{{wob ref|7344}} RetiredCuando Godel King'srey-dios arese proclaimedretira, deadse fromproclama healingque thoseha inmuerto needpara andcurar area takenlos tonecesitados oney ofse thele islestraslada ina una thede middlelas ofislas thedel Innermar SeaInterior.{{book ref|wb|27}} TheyAllí maintainmantiene auna vida lavishde lifestylelujos untilhasta theyque diemuere.{{wob ref|7400}}
=== Asamblea de la Corte ===
TheLa CourtAsamblea Assemblyde isla aCorte standinges commissionun ofprestigioso theconsejo Courtde ofla GodsCorte thatde provideslos decisionsDioses toque Hallandren'stoma citizensdecisiones concernientes a los ciudadanos de Hallandren.{{book ref|wb|8}} ItSe meetsreúne dailydiariamente topara makecelebrar smalljuicios judgmentsmenores, butpero importantlos discussionsdebates areimportantes reservedson forllevados weeklya meetingscabo ofsemanalmente thepor fullel AssemblyPleno de la Asamblea.{{book ref|wb|8}} TheLa AssemblyAsamblea isesta madeformada upprincipalmente primarilysacerdotes ofy priests and priestessessacerdotisas, andy meetingslas arereuniones heldse incelebran aen largeun arenagran atanfiteatro theal backfondo ofde thela CourtCorte ofde Godslos Dioses.{{book ref|wb|8}}{{book ref|wb|14}} TheLos Retornados Returnedse domantienen notal sitmargen onde thela Assemblyasamblea,{{book ref|wb|8}} butpero manymuchos ofde themellos regularlyasisten attendregularmente thea las reuniones weeklysemanales meetingspara toobservar watchdesde fromlos ornatepalcos stonede observationpiedra boxestallada,{{book ref|wb|14}} includingincluido Susebron.{{book ref|wb|44}} SomeAlgunos ReturnedRetornados dono notse concerninvolucran themselvescon withla politicspolítica andy rarelyno attendasisten casi nunca,{{book ref|wb|47}} whilemientras othersque findotros thelo meetingsencuentran boringaburrido becauseporque theysienten believeque theirsu opinionsopinión dono nottiene mattertrascendencia alguna.{{book ref|wb|30}} DuringDurante Assemblylas meetingsreuniones de la Asamblea, argumentsse exponen areargumentos broughtrelacionados forthcon regardingdiferentes varioustemas topicstales suchcomo aslas relationsrelaciones withcon Idris; a [[Siri]] wastambién alsola presentedexponen toante thela CourtCorte aten theuna Assemblyasamblea.{{book ref|wb|15}} TheLos Assembly'sdebates discussionsde arela oftenAsamblea fullsuelen ofestar rhetoricllenos de retórica,{{book ref|wb|17}} andy politicallylos savvyRetornados Returnedmás tryentendidos toen influencepolítica theintentan directioninfluir ofen thela Assemblydirección que toma la Asamblea.{{book ref|wb|16}} AttendingAsistir thea Courtla AssemblyAsamblea isde thoughtla ofCorte asestá aconsiderado como un privilegeprivilegio bypara thela peoplegente ofde Hallandren; there are only four benches in the arena for citizens to attend, so only people who are rich, influential, favored by a god, or have at least fifty Breaths attend regularly.{{book ref|wb|15}} Average citizens may enter a lottery to win a token to attend the Assembly.{{book ref|wb|15}}{{book ref|wb|50}}
====Asamblea general====
The regular Court Assembly is not empowered to make major decisions such as a declaration of war; instead, all of the Returned must attend a gathering known as a "main" or "general" assembly so they can all cast a vote.{{book ref|wb|34}}{{book ref|wb|48}} These special assemblies are rare and often very crowded, as citizens who win lottery tokens to attend an Assembly often save them for a main assembly so they can see all of the gods together.{{book ref|wb|50}}


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