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[[en:Song of Listing]]
|books=[[TheEl Stormlightarchivo Archivede las tormentas]]
TheLa '''SongCanción ofde Listinglas clasificaciones''' ises oneuna ofde thelas songscancioens detailingque thedetallan oralla historyhistoria oforal de thelos [[listeneroyente]]s onen [[Roshar]]. ItRecuenta recountsmuchas manyde of thelas [[SingerCantor#Common_FormsFormas Comunes Conocidas|commonformas formscomunes]] thatque listenerslos wereoyentes oncepodían abletomar tohace taketiempo. ItNo itmenciona notninguna knownde tolas mention«formas anyde ofpoder» theque "formsse ofobtienen power"al grantedvincularse bycon bonding aun [[Voidsprenvaciospren]], whichque areaparecen covereden byotras othercanciones songscomo such as thela [[SongCanción ofde Secretslos secretos]]. TheLa songcanción hastiene atpor leastlo menos 91 stanzas,estrofas andy [[Eshonai]] notescomenta thatque thelas oldantiguas songscanciones recountrecuentan "hundreds"«centenares» ofde formsformas.{{book ref|sa2|i|1}}
Se Canción de las clasificaciones fue escrita presuntamente por la [[Oyente#La Última Legión y el abandono de los dioses|Última Legión]] para asegurarse de que recordarían esas formas, puesto que solo podían usar la forma gris y la forma carnal después de abandonar a sus dioses.{{book ref|sa2|i|4}}
The Song of Listing was presumably written by the [[Listener#The_Last_Legion_and_Abandoning_of_the_Gods|Last Legion]] to ensure that they remembered these forms, as they were only able to use dullform and mateform after they abandoned their gods.{{book ref|sa2|i|4}}
AroundAlrededor de {{Rosharan date|1166}}, aEshonai youngera Eshonaijoven hady notno learnedhabía theaprendido songla canción. [[Jaxlim]] hadtenía troubleproblemas recitingrecitándola itdebido duea tosus herproblemas increasingcon problemsla withpérdida memoryde lossla memoria, andy [[Venli]] triedintentaba toayudarla help hera rememberrecordar.{{book ref|sa4|52}}
ByCuando thellegó time of thela [[WarGuerra ofde Reckoningla Venganza]], thelos Listenersoyentes hadhabían rediscovereddescubierto nimbleform,la forma warformdiestra, andla workformforma afterde generationsguerra ofy researchla forma de trabajo después de generaciones de investigación.{{book ref|sa2|i|1}}{{book ref|sa3|i|7}} ScholarsLos continuederuditos tocontinuaron researchinvestigando thelos secretssecretos topara unlockingdescubrir otherotras formsformas knownque fromaparecían theen songla suchcanción, ascomo artformla andforma mediationformartística o la forma de meditación.{{book ref|sa2|i|4}} WithCon thela adventllegada ofde thela [[TrueAuténtica DesolationDesolación]], thelos listenersoyentes regainedrecuperaron accesssu toacceso formsa thatalgunas hadformas beenque abandonedhabían abandonado. TheLos [[singerscantores]] whoque hadhabían previouslysido beenpreviamente enslavedesclavizados as thecomo parsh wererecibieron givenpor atlo leastmenos aunas dozendoce optionsformas ofposibles formsdespués afterde theyser were freedliberados, andy usan varias formas incluyendo usela variousforma formsartística includingy artformla andforma scholarformsabia.{{book ref|sa3|i|7}}
== ExcerptsFragmentos ==
<div style='width: 30em; margin: auto;'>
{{quote|Mateform meek, for love to share,<br/><!--
-->To find this form, one must care.<br/><!--
-->True empathy, one must employ.
|5th stanzaestrofa{{epigraph ref|sa2|14}}}}
{{quote|Warform is worn for battle and reign,<br/><!--
-->Unknown, unseen, but vital to gain.<br/><!--
-->It comes to those with the will.
|15th15ª stanzaestrofa{{epigraph ref|sa2|13}}}}
{{quote|Workform worn for strength and care.<br/><!--
-->Seek first this form, its mysteries to bear.<br/><!--
-->Found here is freedom from fear.
|19th19ª stanzaestrofa{{epigraph ref|sa2|15}}}}
{{quote|Nimbleform has a delicate touch.<br/><!--
-->Tho' once defied, by the gods they were crushed.<br/><!--
-->This form craves precision and plenty.
|27th27ª stanzaestrofa{{epigraph ref|sa2|16}}}}
{{quote|Mediationform made for peace, it's said.<br/><!--
-->When used by the gods, it became instead<br/><!--
-->Form of lies and desolation.
|33rd33ª stanzaestrofa{{epigraph ref|sa2|21}}}}
{{quote|Scholarform shown for patience and thought.<br/><!--
-->Though study and diligence bring the reward,<br/><!--
-->Loss of innocence may be one's fate.
|69th69ª stanzaestrofa{{epigraph ref|sa2|18}}}}
{{quote|Artform applied for beauty and hue.<br/><!--
-->Most misunderstood by the artist it's true,<br/><!--
-->Come the spren to foundation's fates.
|90th90ª stanzaestrofa{{epigraph ref|sa2||20}}}}
{{quote|Dullform dread, with the mind most lost.<br/><!--
-->To find this form, one needs banish cost.<br/><!--
-->It finds you and brings you to blight.
|finalúltima stanzaestrofa{{epigraph ref|sa2|17}}}}
== NotesNotas ==
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{{complete|[[User:Big Smooth|Big Smooth]] ([[User talk:Big Smooth|talk]]) 23:25, 4 March 2022 (UTC)}}


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