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=== Hijos perdidos ===
==== Rillir ====
AfterTras auna catastrophiccatastrófica caza de un [[whitespineespinablanca]] hunt, Roshone'sel sonhijo de Roshone, [[Rillir]], diedmuere whilsten inel Lirin'squirófano carede Lirin. The young man was brought back, along with his father, ahead of the rest of the hunting party in the hopes he could be saved. Two others were injuries in the attack, however [[Alds]] and [[Milp]] had been left to be retrieved by the other townsfolk. They likely died of their wounds. Rillir's wounds were extensive, and after an assessment, Lirin determined he could not save the boy. Roshone, lying on a separate table screamed at the surgeon to help his son, however, Lirin instead opted to tend to Roshone, whose wounds weren't as severe. He administered [[dazewater]] to the brightlord to calm him, as well as to Rillir to ease his suffering. When he removed the whitespine tusk from Roshone's leg, Lirin was presented with the opportunity to end the citylord's life. Unable to kill those in his charge, he instead chose to save the brightlord's life. After the operation, Roshone was returned to his manor to rest and his son's body sent to the crypt. Once again sitting on the steps outside of their home, Kaladin questioned his father over whether he would have let Roshone die if he had not also been in the room. Lirin responded in the negative; he could not have let another in his care die, though Kaladin's presence had helped to strengthen his resolve.{{book ref|sa1|41}}
After Rillir's death, Lirin began to spend brightlord Wistiow's spheres. He did not need to do this; the family could survive as they were and had been offered assistance by Hesina's parents if required. However, by spending the spheres Lirin presented the illusion that Roshone had won and he had finally broken. He planned to continue in this fashion until Kaladin had reached the age of sixteen, and the spheres could be sent with him to Kharbranth. Regardless, Lirin did not enjoy having to spend the spheres.{{book ref|sa1|44}}


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