Diferencia entre revisiones de «Kaladin»

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==== En los abismos ====
Kaladin acompañó a Dalinar, Adolin y Shallan a una expedición de reconocimiento por las Llanuras Quebradas. Mientras cruzaban las mesetas, Kaladin notó tanto la ausencia de Syl como su incapacidad de absorber luz tormentosa. Dalinar habló con él acerca de Renarin uniéndose al Puente Cuatro y cómo eso le estaba afectando. Tras eso, Kaladin y Adolin hablaron acerca de un posible nuevo ataque de Szeth y sobre cómo se defenderían de él. Pasadas las horas alcanzaron la última meseta, sobre la cual se hallaba un abismoide muerto. Adolin, Shallan y Dalinar se encontraban sobre el puente mecánico cuando Kaladin se dio cuenta del peligro inminente. Corrió hacia el puente y Adolin lo imitó al percatarse de la amenaza. Mientras que el príncipe logró alcanzar a Dalinar y salvarlo, un carpintero del campamento de Sadeas tiró de una palanca de emergencia, provocando que el puente se desplomara a los abismos y, con él, Kaladin y Shallan.{{book ref|sa2|68}} Durante la caída, Kaladin consiguió absorber una pequeña cantidad de luz tormentosa, lo cual le salvó la vida. Shallan se valió de lo mismo para sobrevivir, aunque ninguno interpretó que el otro pudiera ser un Radiante. Tras un rato vagando por los abismos, comenzaron a discutir. Pronto, escucharon un sonido como de caparazón arañando roca: un abismoide.{{book ref|sa2|69}} Shallan se acercó a él para bocetarlo, para desgracia de Kaladin. Más tarde, continuaron la marcha de vuelta a los campamentos de guerra. Conversaron mientras tanto, y Kaladin asumió que la vida de Shallan había sido fácil y entre algodones. Ella le acabó contando más adelante que [[Lin Davar|su padre]] era abusivo y que su vida estaba lejos de haber sido perfecta. Syl siguió sin aparecer y no respondió a ninguna de las súplicas de Kaladin.{{book ref|sa2|71}}
Kaladin joined Dalinar, Adolin, and Shallan on a scouting expedition across the Shattered Plains. As they crossed the plateaus, Kaladin noticed Syl's absence, and his inability to consume Stormlight. Dalinar talked with Kaladin regarding Renarin's inclusion in Bridge Four and how it was affecting him. Then, Kaladin talked to Adolin about a potential attack from Szeth, and how they would defend against him. Eventually, they reached the final scouting plateau, one that has a dead chasmfiend on top. As Kaladin carried a bridge with Bridge Four across a machanical one, a carpenter from Sadeas' camp pulled an emergency lever, which caused the bridge to collapse, sending Kaladin and Shallan to plummet into the chasms. As they fall, Kaladin managed to suck in a small amount of Stormlight, saving his life. Shallan did the same, though neither recongnized the other as Radiant. They wandered the chasms for a while, and begin to argue. Soon, they heard a large scraping noise: a chasmfiend. Shallan began to lure the chasmfiend toward them, so she could get a sketch of a live one, much to Kaladin's dismay. Eventually, they left and continued back towards the warcamps. They bantered for a bit, Kaladin assuming Shallan's life was easy and pampered. Shallan responded saying that [[Lin Davar|her father]] was abusive, and that her life was far from easy. Syl had failed to reapear and had not responded to Kaladin's pleas.
Soon, they heard a chasmfiend again, and they hid in a small fissure to escape it. The chasmfiend swiped at them, but was unable to hit them. Kaladin planned to fight it, but Shallan, desperate for a way to escape, gave him her Shardblade to fight with.{{book ref|sa2|71}} Kaladin jumped out of the fissure and they both distracted the chasmfiend, Shallan with Lightweavings and Kaladin with a Shardblade. The chasmfiend managed to bite Kaladin in the leg, severely weakening him, though as it came for another attack, Kaladin stabbed it in the roof of it's mouth with the Shardblade, finally killing it. As the highstorm approached, the pair grew gloomy at their imminent death. Kaladin realized they could use Shallan's Blade to cut a cubby out of the chasm wall, which would provide them protection from the storm. Shallan climbed upon the chasmfiend's back and started cutting handholds upward towards the water line. Finally, she finished, and started helping Kaladin climb up, as his leg was weakened. Kaladin barely reached the cubby as the stormwall hit.{{book ref|sa2|72}} Kaladin received a vision from the Stormfather, in which he was told he had betrayed Syl, killing her.{{book ref|sa2|74}} When the storm ended, the pair found their way back to the warcamps, with Bridge Four there to meet them. Dalinar soon came, and Kaladin saluted him, despite his leg. Dalinar tells everyone to meet the needs of Kaladin, as he was a hero for bringing back Shallan.{{book ref|sa2|75}}
=== The Third Ideal (1174) ===


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