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(Created page with "{{place |world=Nalthis |era=Ancient Nalthis |books=Warbreaker }} '''Chedesh''' was a place on ancient Nalthis.{{ref|b|wb|c|32}} The people of Chedesh dominated the wo...")
'''Chedesh''' was a placenation on ancient [[Nalthis]], which had a large empire.{{ref|b|wb|c|32}} The people of Chedesh dominatedare described as dominating the world, havingin athat large empireage. However, their writings were sparse, and they have long faded away in the present day, though [[Hoid]] says their memory remains.{{ref|b|wb|c|32}}
The Chedesh people were credited with discovering the tropical, jungle region that would later be [[Hallandren]], along with the [[Tears of Edgli]],{{ref|b|wb|c|32}} though the [[Pahn Kahl]] were originally native to the region. [[Vo]] was on a Chedesh ship, and [[Returned]] along the coast of Hallandren. The people of that ship founded a kingdom, which they named Hanald, on the beach that [[T'Telir]] was located. Hanald was eventually renamed to Hallandren, its modern name.