Diferencia entre revisiones de «Leras/Galería»

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5 bytes añadidos ,  hace 2 años
Technically, it's not Vin's left
m (Technically, it's not Vin's left)
Preservation by ML Malandrino.jpg | <center><small>by {{a|Maria Lia Malandrino}}</small></center>
Preservation by zoethatcher art.jpg | <center><small>by {{a|zoethatcher_art}}</small></center>
Vin by ToastSamurai.jpg | <center><small>by {{a|ToastSamurai}}</small></center> To the left of [[Vin]]'s left
Seeking Harmony by Heatherly.png | <center><small>by {{a|Heatherly}}</small></center> With [[Ruin]]
Leras by Elisgardor.jpg| <small><center>by {{a|Elisgardor}}</center></small>

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