Diferencia entre revisiones de «Teft»

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4 bytes añadidos ,  hace 11 años
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Teft ended up in the bridge crews, in Highprince [[Sadeas]] warcamp, on the [[Shattered Plains]]. He blames himself for destroying the Envisagers and the death of his brother, and considered suicide in the pits. After committing infraction he was transfer to [[Bridge Four]], where [[Kaladin]] befriended him and ended up in his inner circle along with [[Rock]], actively helping him in his plans.
He was the first to figure Kaladin was able to chanle stormlight, saving him in the process. He shared with Kaladin what he knew about [[Knights Radiant|Radiants]] and thier ways, from his youth in the [[Envisagers]].
Teft is currently joined with the rest of Bridge Four, serving as [[Dalinar Kholin]]'s personal guard.
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