Diferencia entre revisiones de «Resumen:El camino de los reyes»

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added character list ch. 37, 41, 44, 47, 51
(added character list ch. 9, 10, 11, 31 and changed ch. 10 "nine years earlier" to "nine years ago")
(added character list ch. 37, 41, 44, 47, 51)
;Plot summary
:''Five and a half years ago''
* [[Kaladin]] (point of view)
* [[Tien]]
* [[Hesina]]
* [[Lirin]]
* [[Natir]]
* [[Toralin Roshone]]
* [[Barm]]
* [[Rillir Roshone]]
* [[Laral Roshone]]
* [[Mabrow Pigherder]] (mentioned only)
* [[Wistiow]] (mentioned only)
* [[Miliv]] (mentioned only)
* [[Torol Sadeas]] (mentioned only)
;Plot Summary
:''Five and a half years ago''
Kal helps his mother with the cooking as Tien shows off another pretty stone he has found. Kal immediately leaves when he sees a carriage from Roshone come to pick up his father. He insists on coming along. Lirin is surprised because Kal shouldn't have known about it but lets him join. This meeting is about the spheres that Lirin got from the former citylord Wistiow. Lirin and Kal sit down to eat with Roshone, but Lirin refuses to eat. He and Roshone argue about the spheres, Roshone offering a settlement: he takes nine-tenths, leaving the rest to Lirin. Kaladin is indignant and is dismissed from the table by his father. Kal goes to the kitchen and meets Laral and Roshone's son [[Rillir]]. He treats Kal like a servant and Laral plays along initially. When Kaladin refuses to serve him, he continues to taunt him. Laral pleads with him to stop, and they leave. His experience with the haughty lighteyes has changed his mind again: he wants to be a surgeon, not a soldier.
=== Chapter 41: Of Alds and Milp ===
* [[Kaladin]] (point of view)
* [[Laral Roshone]]
* [[Lirin]]
* [[Rillir Roshone]]
* [[Toralin Roshone]]
* [[Hesina]]
* [[Tien]]
* [[Wistiow]] (mentioned only)
* [[Alds]] (mentioned only)
* [[Milp]] (mentioned only)
;Plot Summary
:''Five and a half years ago''
Brightlord Roshone and his son Rillir were attacked by whitespine while on a hunt. Rillir is mortally wounded. Lirin tries to save him, but realizes it is hopeless, so he turns his attention to Roshone, who demands that he go back to helping his son. Lirin refuses, explaining the guidelines of a surgeon with two patients: if the wounds are equal, treat the youngest first; if the wounds are not equally threatening, treat the worst wound first. The third guideline supersedes the first two: a surgeon must know when someone is beyond their ability to help. While stitching up part of Roshone's wound, Lirin's knife is dangerously close to a major artery. He hesitates and his hand shakes, but he continues and saves Roshone's life.
;Plot Summary
:''Five years ago''
* [[Kaladin]] (point of view)
* [[Tien]]
* [[Hesina]]
* [[Lirin]]
* [[Jost]]
* [[Naget]]
* [[Waber]]
* [[Toralin Roshone]]
* [[Meridas Amaram]]
* [[Laral Roshone]]
* [[Natir]]
* [[Alaxia]]
* [[Callins]]
* [[Abry]]
* [[Harl]]
* [[Rillir Roshone]] (mentioned only)
* [[Ral]] (mentioned only)
* [[Gavilar Kholin]] (mentioned only)
* [[Torol Sadeas]] (mentioned only)
* [[Agil]] (mentioned only)
* [[Marf]] (mentioned only)
* [[Caull]] (mentioned only)
* [[Taleb]] (mentioned only)
* [[Habrin]] (mentioned only)
* [[Arafik]] (mentioned only)
* [[Jorna]] (mentioned only)
* [[Loats]] (mentioned only)
;Plot Summary
:''Five years ago''
Kaladin lays on the roof after making a temporary repair. Tien joins him and gives him a beautifully carved wooden horse. Kaladin worries because his father had to spend another sphere. Their mother comes out and joins them, trying to assuage his concerns. The only reason he spent one was to try to bluff Roshone into thinking they were growing desperate. They discuss his future prospects, including the possibility of pursuing other professions, but Kaladin is set on becoming a surgeon like his father. Lirin comes out and tells them there is a gathering in the square. When they arrive, they notice that Laral is engaged, apparently to Roshone himself. Kaladin is appalled and starts forward to "stop it," but Lirin tells him to stand down. Roshone announces that Amaram is here to recruit, and several young men volunteer. The quota is not met, however, so Amaram tells Roshone to read the list of conscripts. The last name read is Tien. Amaram is familiar with the situation and asks Roshone to provide a different name, but Roshone insists. Kaladin tries to volunteer to take his place, but again Roshone insists that Tien be conscripted. So Kaladin instead volunteers in order to protect him. He is relieved, but their parents walk away devastated and crying. Kaladin swears an oath that he'll bring back Tien in four years.
;Plot Summary
:''One year ago''
* [[Kaladin]] (point of view)
* [[Gare]]
* [[Nalem]]
* [[Korabet]]
* [[Ven]]
* [[Dallet]]
* [[Cenn]]
* [[Larn]]
* [[Cyn]]
* [[Korater]]
* [[Toorim]]
* [[Helaran Davar|Veden Shardbearer]]
* [[Lyndel]]
* [[Meridas Amaram]]
* [[Acis]]
* [[Hamel]]
* [[Raksha]]
* [[Navar]]
* [[Hab]]
* [[Reesh]]
* [[Alabet]]
* [[Coreb]]
* [[Hallaw]] (mentioned only)
* [[Torol Sadeas]] (mentioned only)
* [[Galan]] (mentioned only)
* [[Toralin Roshone]] (mentioned only)
* [[Tien]] (mentioned only)
* [[Dalinar Kholin]] (mentioned only)
* [[Norby]] (mentioned only)
;Plot Summary
:''One year ago''
Kaladin's enlistment is almost up, but he has already decided to re-up because he can't face his parents for his failure to protect Tien. Kaladin bribes another [[Gare|squadleader]] to transfer a new recruit (Cenn) to his squad. Kaladin wonders why the Alethi fight amongst themselves so much when they also join together to fight against real foreign invaders. He walks by the surgeons to hand over another bribe so his men will receive quick aid on the battlefield. A windspren makes the pouch stick to his belt, making him stumble. He tosses it to [[Ven]], the chief surgeon. When he gets to his squad, Cenn is already there. He looks so much like Tien, Kaladin has to look away. After scanning the battleground and conferring with Dallet, Kaladin's squad charges forward at the horn call.
;Plot Summary
:''One year ago''
* [[Kaladin]] (point of view)
* [[Meridas Amaram]]
* [[Hab]]
* [[Reesh]]
* [[Alabet]]
* [[Coreb]]
* [[Lanacin]] (mentioned only)
* [[Evod Markmaker]] (mentioned only)
* [[Toralin Roshone]] (mentioned only)
* [[Tien]] (mentioned only)
* [[Thaidakar]] (mentioned only)
* [[Helaran Davar|Veden Shardbearer]] (mentioned only)
* [[Restares]] (mentioned only)
;Plot Summary
:''One year ago''
Kaladin is waiting in one of Amaram's waiting rooms. Only four of his twenty-six men survived -- he had actually begun to believe those who called him lucky. Numb, he thinks how he can now be considered among those who have killed a Shardbearer like [[Lanacin]] the Surefooted, or [[Evod Markmaker]], but he just doesn't care. Refusing the Shards was probably the stupidest thing anyone has ever done, but the thought of taking them revolts him. Amaram enters the room along with a [[Stormwarden]]. They are discussing the identity and motives of the shardbearer. The rest of the squad enters along with some lighteyed officers. Amaram asks Kaladin why he charged the Shardbearer and why he rejected the Shards. Kaladin doesn't want to reveal his disdain of lighteyes, and becoming one of them, so he replies that he doesn't know why. Amaram makes a signal, then his soldiers slaughter the four spearmen while Kaladin is held back by guards, shrieking in anger and agony at seeing his men murdered. Amaram looks guilty, but he justifies his actions by saying that he is trained in the sword and that Kaladin would demand the Shards back in a few days anyway. Since Kaladin saved his life, he will spare his. He will promulgate the story that he (Amaram) killed the Shardbearer and that Kaladin fled the scene, the rest of the squad killed by the Shardbearer. The Stormwarden brands Kaladin a slave.


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