Diferencia entre revisiones de «Briggen»

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m (Text replacement - "Brigand" to "Briggen")
'''Briggen''' is part of the Texas [[Reckoners|Reckoner]] cell. HeDuring getsthe woundedinfiltration byof shrapnelLux, during a mission in [[Galveston]].{{book ref|lux|2}} He laterBriggen betrays his fellow Reckoners to [[Lifeforce,]] andin isexchange rewardedfor withan luxurious housingeasy and food, as well as getting his disfigured face made wholeluxurious againlife.{{book ref|lux|22}} He tries to rationalize his decision, but he is consumed with his guilt. He realizes that even Lifeforce is doing good for other people by providing them a paradise to live in, while Briggen only looks out for himself.{{book ref|lux|28}} Lifeforce used Briggen for one of his experiments, killing him in the process.{{book ref|lux|45}}
== History ==


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