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finised th 'hunt for bands of mourning' section
(adding all the citations)
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(finised th 'hunt for bands of mourning' section)
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When they get to their hotel, Steris gives the owner [[Aunt Gin]] a list of things that might happen to her hotel. The list includes things like shoot outs and hostage situations, as well as events that have a very small chance of happening, such as a cattle stampede through the lobby.{{book ref|mb6|10}}
At Lady Kelesina's party, after helping Wax with talking with people she hoped would give Wax the information he needed,{{book ref|mb6|11}}{{book ref|mb6|12}} she deliberately made herself projectile vomit all over her table to give them a believable excuse to leave and to rest, giving Wax a chance to spy on Kelesina.{{book ref|mb6|13}}{{book ref|mb6|14}} After Wax and MeLaan kill the house steward, Steris comes out from behind a bush. Wax then shows Steris his appreciation by showing her the acendants field.{{book ref|mb6|15}} They then gather their things and leave a very worried Aunt Gin. Steris tells Aunt Gin that they had been framed for murder, which was on page thirteen of the list Steris had given her.{{expand}}
Wax, Wayne, Marasi, MeLaan, and Steris barely escaped New Seran, but only after Wax brought down a gondola line.{{book ref|mb6|16}} They were driving to dulsing because that is where ReLuur's spike was sent to. While Steris and Wax were sleeping, Marasi burned a pinch of cadmium, throwing everything from one time frame to the next, causing a large jolt and waking both Wax and Steris. Shprtly afterward, they arived at a large warehouse, and Wax told Steris that she should say with the horses, expecting Steris to argue. Instead, she just accepted the fact and waited{{book ref|mb6|17}}
Steris expected Wax and the others to come back on foot, but instead, Wax brought her onto an airship. They brought all of their supplies, and once up, Steris started organizing their supplies.{{book ref|mb6|21}}
When they approached the temple, Steris pointed out that someone had to watch for Suit's men and keep a lookout. So Steris, Marasi, and Wayne stayed behind.{{book ref|mb6|23}} While on lookout, Steris showed Marasi a chart of how usefull everyone was on the hunt, with the max score being one hundred. Wax and MeLaan both had a score of one hundred. Wayne was a seventy-five. Marasi was an eighty-three. Steris had given herself a score of four. Steris then told Marasi how she felt about Wax.
{{quote|When I'm near him, Marasi, I burn. It's wonderful.|Steris on Wax.}}
Steris at first refused to admit that she loved Wax, then admits that she does love him and thinks it's foolish.{{book ref|mb6|24}}
A little after Suit and some of his minions entered the temple, Steris watced Marasi fly away, using the Bands of Mourning, and found it very unexpected because it hadn't made the list or appendix.{{book ref|mb6|28}} Shortly afterward, Steris goes with [[Alik]] to his old crew, and gives them heat medallions as well as rifles, and they attack Suit's men. The Set was defeated shortly afterward.{{book ref|mb6|29}}
Afterward, Wax and the leader of Alik's crew, [[Jordis]], were arguing about the Bands and what to do with them. Steris convinced Wax and Jordis to compromise and make an alliance. The next morning, Wax thanked Steris for her help.{{book ref|mb6|30}}{{book ref|mb6|31}}
After Wax and Steris got off of the airship, they were greeted by Governor Aradel. Wax then brought Steris in front of a priest, and asked her if she wanted to marry him, and not because of a contract. Steris said that she couldn't remember anything else that hadn't been on her list that was so wonderful. she then agreed.{{book ref|mb6|31}}


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