Diferencia entre revisiones de «Sarpenthyn»

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m (→‎History: I'm pretty sure these are the creatures Dalinar sees in RoW)
[[Shallan]], Adolin, and [[Kaladin]] saw an example of a Marabethian specimen in a menagerie in the warcamps. It was kept in a cage styled to look like a cave. Shallan was fascinated by its size compared to Veden examples. She touched it to confirm that it was warm-blooded, causing it to react defensively. She was unfamiliar with the larger species, and planned to sketch it. Adolin, who found the creature disgusting, was horrified. A plaque on the cage gave the animal's nickname as the "Devil Rock" and noted a Marabethian superstition that sarpenthyn were the result of murdered children being resurrected.{{book ref|sa2|55}}