Diferencia entre revisiones de «Golpe de Urteau»

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Expanded summary of the event in the introduction
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(Expanded summary of the event in the introduction)
The '''Coup of Urteau''' was one of the major events on [[Scadrial]], in the city of [[Urteau]] between the end of the [[Final Empire]] and [[Sazed]]'s ascension.
When [[QuellionStraff Venture]] rules inleft [[Urteau]] since [[Straff Venture]] left to [[Siege of Luthadel|besiege Luthadel]], the skaa overthrew the government, placing [[Quellion]] as their new leader. Emperor [[SpookElend Venture]], sent [[Sazed]] and [[Breeze]] tryto bring the city under his control.{{book ref|mb3|12}} After failing to reasonnegotiate with [[Quellion]], butSazed decideand toBreeze takemeet himup downwith instead.[[Spook]], Theyand attemptthe group decides to incite a revolutionrebellion.{{book ref|mb3|58}} After a confrontation between [[Spook]] and [[Quellion]], butSpook discoverdiscovers that they have been playing into the hands of [[Ruin]], who has been subtly influencing both Spook and Quellion via [[Hemalurgy|Hemalurgic Spikes]]. A fire breaks out, threatening to destroy the town, but Spook removes the spikes and floods the Canals, saving the city.{{book ref|mb3|58}}
==Previous History==


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