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==Previous History==
Urteau is the historical home of [[Venture|House Venture]], and the capital city of the [[Northern Dominance]] of the Final empire.{{book ref|mb2|3}}{{map ref|Urteau}} It was the location of one of the [[Lord Ruler]]'s [[storage cavern]]s.{{book ref|mb3|14}} The city used to have canals crossing the city until, unbeknownst to most of the city's residents, the Lord Ruler had the water drained into an underground lake in the storage cavern.{{book ref|mb3|29}} Most of the former canals were left unfilled and the city's residents began calling them "streetslots" and using them in the place of ordinary streets and sidewalks, with ladders and even a few ramps or stairs in place for people to climb in and out of them.{{book ref|mb3|14}} In wealthier parts of the city, however, the canals were filled in and paved with cobblestones.{{book ref|mb3|16}}
==Lead up==
In the years after the [[Collapse]], [[Straff Venture]] retreated to Urteau, to regroup before he went to [[Siege of Luthadel|besiege]] [[Luthadel]]. While he is gone, [[Quellion]], an unstable [[Skaa]], spiked himself, making him a seeker.{{book ref|mb3|70}}{{wob ref|7976}} He than saw [[Ruin]], as [[Kelsier]], who influenced him in his actions.{{book ref|mb3|58}} He went out in the mists, and claimed that anyone who was a true follower of Kelsier would be spared by the mist. He killed anyone was affected by the mistsickness. He also killed all of the nobles except his sister, even though they were not affected by the mists. He then took control of the city, and became the Citizen-the leader of Urteau. He set up his own government, and renounced [[Kelsier's crew]] as impostors.{{book ref|mb3|29}}
== Importance of Urteau ==


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