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m (added image and tweaked some things)
== History ==
=== Early Life ===
Blended states that she was alive during the time of the [[Recreance]], and watched many of her friends and family die.{{book ref|sa4|87}}
{{image|Blended by Eccos.jpg|side=left|width=300px|In [[Lasting Integrity]]}}
=== Lasting Integrity ===
Blended is the inkspren emissary to Lasting Integrity. During her time there, Blended often receives glares and looks of distrust from honorspren. Although she is the inkspren representative to [[Lasting Integrity]], and considered to be of the more diplomatic among her fellow inkspren, it is clear there is no love lost between her and honorspren. Blended refers to honorspren as "...a stuck-up bunch of prim, overly polished buttons."{{book ref|sa4|78}}{{book ref|sa4|82}}
|This is unsurprising, as it was devised by a stuck-up bunch of prim, overly polished buttons.
|Blended on the honorspren and their legal system{{book ref|sa4|82}}
Blended is the inkspren emissary to Lasting Integrity. During her time there, Blended often receives glares and looks of distrust from honorspren. Although she is the inkspren representative to [[Lasting Integrity]], and considered to be of the more diplomatic among her fellow inkspren, it is clear there is no love lost between her and honorspren. Blended refersdislikes tothe honorspren asand "...a stuck-up bunch of prim, overlytheir polishedlegal buttonssystem."{{book ref|sa4|78}}{{book ref|sa4|82}}
=== Adolin's Trial ===
In preparation for Adolin's trial, she trained him in the ways of honorspren law, however; during the actual trial, Blended testified against Adolin stating that although she wanted the trial to be fair, her hatred of humans "also is."{{book ref|sa4|87}} After Adolin's trial, she admits that she was the one to suggest [[Maya]] as the final witness.{{book ref|sa4|97}}
After Adolin's trial, she admits that she was the one to suggest [[Maya]] as the final witness.{{book ref|sa4|97}}
=== Return to inkspren homeland ===
=== Humans ===
Blended feels that the Nahel bond with humans is not natural,{{book ref|sa4|87}} and states that if a human tried to bond her, she would attack and attempt to kill them.{{book ref|sa4|78}} She also notesbelieves that men are untrustworthy, changeable, and barely go a single day without breaking a bond. She thinks that spren should never again bond with humans, and that this is the surest way to avoid more dead spren.{{book ref|sa4|87}}
=== Singers ===


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