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The most overt power that stormform grants a singer is the ability to create and manipulate a red lightning in a variety of useful ways. Stormforms are capable of unleashing grand bolts of lightning that electrocute and burn their enemies, cooking them alive in their armor.{{book ref|sa2|81}} It is also capable of doing great damage to fortifications, with bolts used to destroy stone structures.{{book ref|sa4|42}} It takes a moment for a stormform to summon a bolt of lightning{{book ref|sa2|83}}{{book ref|sa4|103}} and those nearby can sense the power building,{{book ref|sa4|103}} as the stormform's skin begins to crackle with the red lightning.{{book ref|sa4|43}} This ability to throw lightning is most deadly in close range. The lightning itself is difficult to control and moves unpredictably, sometimes moving the wrong direction or channeling directly into the ground.{{book ref|sa2|81}} The flash of lightning is blindingly bright and creates a loud clap of thunder that is sometimes used as a signal and intimidates enemies. {{book ref|sa4|111}} This thunderclap can be permanently deafening in close quarters, but as it is quieter than normal thunder, those shielded from the noise usually suffer no permanent hearing loss.{{book ref|sa4|43}} When a stormform is killed, if their power has not been expended it can escape from their corpse and kill those nearby, particularly those standing in puddles.{{book ref|sa2|82}}
Stormform Regals are also capable of directly channeling the lightning into another person directly through physical contact, sending constant jolts of power through them,{{book ref|sa4|43}}which creates an immensely painful burning sensation in the victim.{{book ref|sa4|103}} Their oponentsopponents are unable to withstand the power of this attack without Stormlight healing to aid them.{{book ref|sa4|43}} Unleashing lightning into a person still generates a great deal of heat, burning through clothes, with the shock causing the victim's hair to stand on end.{{book ref|sa4|103}} Even when they are not intending to do harm, touching a stormform may cause the feeling of a little jolt of power.{{book ref|sa4|41}} Stormforms have also experimented with their powers in less directly martial ways. They have discovered that they can rewrite the polarity of a magnet with their lightning{{book ref|sa4|89}} and use it to ignite the contents of pressurized vessels.{{book ref|sa4|97}}
This lightning power is not limitless though, subsequent blasts of lightning are often weaker{{book ref|sa4|103}} than the first and after their Voidlight has been expended, it is slow to renew and its absence may leave the stormform feeling limp.{{book ref|sa4|95}} Another weakness of stormform is ironically water, which makes their ability to throw bolts of lightning even less reliable.{{book ref|sa4|42}} If a stormform is sufficiently drenched in water their power will be ruined and unable to renew properly until they are dry, slipping away from the stormform every time it starts to return.{{book ref|sa4|117}} Their lightning may also be counteracted by intentionally placing lightning rods to draw the bolts of power themselves to protect soldiers fighting stormform Regals.{{book ref|sa4|41}} Their powers may also be fully dampened by a suppression [[fabrial]], which causes their lightning to vanish.{{book ref|sa4|111}}
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