Diferencia entre revisiones de «Au-nak»

No hay cambio en el tamaño ,  hace 11 años
sin resumen de edición
(Had to get to 930 XD)
Au-nak, and his family, were devoutly [[Vorin]], although it is unknown how much of their devotion was only for the trade opportunities with the Alethi it provided. Au-nak thought that the [[Order of Talenelat]], [[Dalinar]]'s [[devotary]], was for lesser people. He was rather cynical about religion, he figured that every conflict, regardless of professed purpose, was economic in nature. Au-nak thought that the [[Emuli-Tukari War]] was not over religion, but over the fact that [[Sesemalex Dar]], which Au-nak believed to be a [[Dawncity]], was a great port.
Au-Naknak was [[Brightlord]] [[Hatham]]'s guest, they were negotiating a contract. Hatham was acting subservient and respectful, but in reality he was manipulating Au-nak for some unknown purpose. Hatham had one of his [[ardent]]s insult Au-nak, so Au-nak would not be too suspicious that discussions on the contract were going too easily when Hatham easily agreed to Au-nak's terms.
== Notes ==