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That should be it for WoR, though it's very likely I missed something.
(That should be it for WoR, though it's very likely I missed something.)
{{image|Vow of Loyalty by Petar Penev.jpg|side=right|height=400px|Kaladin defending Elhokar}}
After his return from the chasms, Kaladin stayed at the warcamps to heal, as Syl had disappeared. He went to the starting plateau to see Bridge Four off on the expedition to the center of the Shattered Plains. Dalinar noticed Kaladin, and asked Amaram, who was nearby, to come speak with him. Dalinar confronts Amaram about the rumors about him. Amaram confessed as Dalinar placed his Shardblade at Amaram's throat. Dalinar tellstold him to take off his Radiant cloak, and lets him go, despite Kaladin's protest. Kaladin thanked Dalinar, and left to go rest.{{book ref|sa2|76}}
With the Weeping underway, Kaladin felt the darkness return. Moash visited him and went over the plan to assassinate Elhokar.{{book ref|sa2|77}} Kaladin walked through the empty camp, and tried to put his losses behind him. When he returned to his barracks, he found Elhokar there, and they conversed about Elhokar's confidence as king. Elhokar mentioned that Kaladin felt special, and that the shadows that haunted him vanished when he was near. He apologized for imprisoning Kaladin, then left.{{book ref|sa2|80}} Later, Kaladin walked throught the lighteyes' sparring grounds, and talked to Zahel. He asked about Wit, and tried practicing with a spear, though his weakened leg . Kaladin then came to the realization that Elhokar is Dalinar's Tien, before quickly making his way to the palace.{{book ref|sa2|81}}
While Dalinar and the others were fighting the Parshendi, Kaladin plummeted towards the Shattered Plains, rejuvenated with power. Szeth, who had come to kill Dalinar, reacted in horror at Kaladin's arrival. Bridge Four tossed infused gems to Kaladin, prompting him to attack Szeth, seeking revenge for the fallen bridgemen.
Dalinar allies with several other highprinces to attack on the Parshendi. They summon an [[Everstorm]], and Szeth comes to kill Dalinar. Syl tells Kaladin that something is wrong, and Kaladin uses his lashings to fly/fall towards the shattered plains. He sees Dalinar flying upwards, where Szeth has [[lashing|lashed]] him. He lashes Dalinar slightly more down than up, so that he floats slowly down. Kaladin then plummets down to Roshar, leaving a sword shaped glyph in the ground where he lands, and tells Szeth that he claims his life.
{{image|Szeth vs Kaladin by BlazeMalefica.jpg|side=left|width=350px|Fighting Szeth in the [[highstorm]]}}
As Kaladin and Szeth clashed in the skies, the two storms raged below. Kaladin wondered why a highstorm had come, and Syl answered, saying the Parshendi had summoned it. Syl became a spear to help Kaladin better parry Szeth's blows, who was denying the return of the Radiants. Kaladin fought Szeth expertly, using different forms of Syl to defend and attack. Because of the hightstorm below, Kaladin's gemstones were renewed with Stormlight. After fighting for some time, Szeth returned to the ground to kill Dalinar, and Kaladin followed. Upon landing, the pair found an empty plateau, with no signs of activity. Szeth realized that the armies had used the [[Oathgate]] and traveled to [[Urithiru]], and flew off to the west, with Kaladin in pursuit. Kaladin managed to stab Szeth in the foot, and then hit Szeth in the shoulder. Szeth finally acknowledged the truth, realizing he was never Truthless. Szeth stopped, and Kaladin went for a killing blow, but sliced Szeth's wrist instead, causing him to drop his Honorblade. Without the Blade, Szeth plummeted into the storms and chasms below. Kaladin grabbed the Blade out of the sky, and gave Syl and compliment. Kaladin returned to the ground, and found some of Bridge Four there, before using the Oathgate to transport them to Urithiru.
Kaladin and Szeth battle in the sky, using lashings to maneuver back and forth as the two storms crash into each other below. Szeth says the Knights can't be back but Kaladin retorts that they are and will kill him. Szeth manages to stab Kaladin but he is able to heal it, though it takes a lot of stormlight. Szeth boasts that he will win due to his experience but Kaladin says that the sky is and was always his. Kaladin starts fighting instinctually and manages to strike Szeth as Syl changes forms while they fight, though Szeth dodges a killing blow. Kaladin sees the top of the plateau crest through the clouds, spinning slowly. The top is [[Urithiru]], and a [[fabrial]], and Shallan has activated it. Szeth lands on the surface, chased by Kaladin. Szeth again yells that the Voidbringers can't be back, and goes back toward Dalinar to try to kill him.
Kaladin follows Szeth into the storm as Syl warns Kaladin that the Stormfather hates him, and that although the winds are Kaladin's, the storms are the Stormfather's. She warns him that a worse storm brews as well. Kaladin and Szeth both draw more stormlight from the storm. Szeth reaches the plateau before Kaladin but it is empty. Szeth screams at Kaladin as red spren zip around in the tempest. Szeth realizes that the armies went to Urithiru, and flies off toward the west, chased by Kal. Kaladin chases with difficulty and they both reach the stormfront and break through it, and Kaladin stabs Szeth in his foot. Kaladin manages to smash and stab Szeth further as they fight just ahead of the highstorm. As they fight, Szeth finally acknowledges the truth and says that he was right all along and never Truthless, and that he could have stopped murdering at any time. Szeth feints and Kaladin responds by stabbing the Shin through the chest, and grabs the Shardblade at Syl's order from Szeth's falling corpse. Kaladin stays hovering surrounded by windspren, and Syl says she may keep Kaladin around. Syl demands compliments and a smile, which Kaladin gives.
Kaladin, met with Dalinar, Renarinand Shallan, with Dalinar revealing he was a Bondsmith and Shallanhad meetbonded inwith Urithiruthe Stormfather. TheyRenarin areentered, alland finallytold awarethem that thehe otherswas area RadiantsTruthwatcher. Kaladin plansdecided tohe would return to [[Hearthstone]], to reunite with his hometown,parents and save his familythem from [[Roshone]].
=== Return to Alethkar (1174) ===


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