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Ruin's prison, the [[Well of Ascension]], had a fatal flaw: every thousand and twenty four years, the [[perpendicularity]] would fill, requiring someone to take up the power. Were that person then to release it, Ruin's prison would vanish, letting him out; only by using the power themselves could that person, dubbed the [[Hero of Ages]], keep Ruin trapped.{{msh ref|2|3}}
Despite being imprisoned in the Well, Ruin could still affect the world in minuscule ways, and thus began to plan for exploiting this fatal flaw to free himself. His initial scheme was to use [[Alendi]], chosen by the power of the Well, and convince him, thorughthrough altering the [[Terris Prophecies]], to free him. However, a [[Terrisman]] named [[Kwaan]] realized Ruin's alterations. He sent his nephew, [[Rashek]], to try and stop Alendi from reaching the Well.{{epigraph ref|mb2|55}} Rashek eventually killed Alendi and took the power for himself, becoming [[the Lord Ruler]] and perpetuating Ruin's imprisonment.
==== Kelsier and Vin ====
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