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Add three more secret orgs and convert to prose
m (→‎Geography and Ecology: Moving to separate it from the spren image)
(Add three more secret orgs and convert to prose)
|From the [[Eila Stele]]{{epigraph ref|sa3|115}}
Humans fled to Roshar from [[Ashyn]], another planet in the [[Rosharan system]].{{wob ref|9464}} They had destroyed the planet using what Honor implied to be the [[dawnshardDawnshard]]s.{{book ref|sa3|113}} Honor and Cultivation commanded the singers to take the humans in despite the forbidden powers they had relating to [[spren]] and [[Surge]]s{{epigraph ref|sa3|115}}{{epigraph ref|sa3|116}}, and they were given [[Shinovar]] to live in since Shinovar could support the plants and animals they brought.{{book ref|sa3|113}} With the humans came [[Odium]].{{epigraph ref|sa3|117}} The humans, possibly with Odium's influence, grew dissatisfied with what they were given. The conflict between the invading humans and the singers living on Roshar became the [[First Desolation]].{{book ref|sa3|111}}
{{image|The History of Man.jpg|side=right|width=250px|A [[Vorin]] perspective on the history of mankind by [[Greg Call]]}}
The relationship between various spren kinds appears to have its own share of political turmoil. Several years prior to the [[Everstorm]], the honorspren tried and failed to conquer the rest of Shadesmar, making the other spren unfriendly towards them. By contrast, Cryptics are generally understood to be unwilling to expand beyond their city; however, they are also widely considered to be uncomfortable company.{{book ref|sa3|47}}
After the events of the [[Recreance]], spren have mixed opinions of humans. Honorspren, [[Reachers]] and [[Inkspreninkspren]] are generally opposed to any attempt to restore contact, while cultivationspren and Cryptics are supportive of new [[Nahel bond]]s, albeit cautiously so.
===Secret Organizations===
There are many secret organizations on Roshar, potentially nine.{{wob ref|9473}} These include worldhopping organizations with a strong presence on Roshar, such as the [[Ghostbloods]],{{book ref|sa4|13}} the [[Ire]],{{book ref|sa4|87}} and the [[Seventeenth Shard]];{{book ref|sa1|i|1}}{{wob ref|1735}} as well as strictly Rosharan organizations such as the [[Skybreakers]],{{book ref|sa3|40}} the [[Sons of Honor]],{{book ref|sa3|40}} the [[Diagram (group)|Diagram]],{{book ref|sa3|i|5}} the [[Envisagers]],{{book ref|sa2|71}} and the [[Sleepless]].{{book ref|sa3.5}}
There are nine secret organizations on Roshar,{{wob ref|9473}} including;
* The [[Skybreakers]], dedicated to killing Surgebinders in a misguided attempt to prevent a future Desolation{{book ref|sa3|40}}
The Ire are a [[Selish]] group with unknown motivations, although they sell things on Roshar.{{book ref|sa4|87}} The Ghostbloods are a group led by [[Thaidakar]] who are trying to establish an Investiture monopoly by using the [[Oathgates]] and Stormlight.{{book ref|sa4|13}} The Seventeeth Shard is an anti-interventionist worldhopping organization.{{book ref|sa1|i|1}}{{wob ref|1735}}
* The [[Sons of Honor]], dedicated to causing a Desolation to return the Heralds and the prominence of the Vorin Church{{book ref|sa3|40}}
* The [[Ghostbloods]], seemingly dedicated to finding a way to take Investiture off-world{{book ref|sa4|13}}
As for the Rosharan organizations, most of them have goals that in some way relate to [[Surgebinder]]s and/or the True Desolation. For example, the Sons of Honor want to start the True Desolation,{{book ref|sa3|40}} while their splinter group{{wob ref|14534}} the Envisagers want to bring back Surgebinders.{{book ref|sa2|71}} Counter to that, the Skybreakers want to kill the Radiants in order to stop the True Desolation.{{book ref|sa3|40}} The Diagram focuses on saving people from what they see as the inevitable True Desolation.{{book ref|sa3|i|5}} Meanwhile, the Sleepless are focused on protecting the Dawnshard underneath Akinah.{{book ref|sa3.5|18}}
* The [[Diagram (group)|Diagram]], dedicated to a complex plan to save as many people from the Desolation as possible{{book ref|sa3|i|5}}
* The [[Envisagers]], dedicated to returning the Knights Radiant even if by returning the Voidbringers{{book ref|sa2|71}}


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