Diferencia entre revisiones de «Lift»

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524 bytes añadidos ,  hace 3 años
→‎Knight Radiant: Lift volunteering for the envoy
(→‎Knight Radiant: Lift volunteering for the envoy)
=== Knight Radiant ===
A year after the battle of Thaylen Field, Lift was one of the Edgedancers on the [[Fourth Bridge]] during the evacuation mission to [[Hearthstone]]. When leaving the airship, she missed the jump and tripped over a rock that the other edgedancers had avoided.{{book ref|sa4|3}} A while later, she sneaked into the manor where Kaladin was fighting against a Fused. She tried to drag the injured [[Godeke]] out of the room. At Kaladin's request she disabled the suppressor fabrial that was preventing the Radiants from using their powers. She tells the windrunner that she had seen Roshone enter the manor with Godeke but that he hadn't come out yet. Kaladin would search while he ordered Lift to get Godeke out and bring the fabrial to Navani.{{book ref|Sa4|7}}
Some time later during a meeting of the rulers of the coalition, Navani noticed Lift was present by the state of the snack table. As there are no more honorspren willing to bond a Radiant, the coalition wants to send an envoy to them. When Dalinar suggests sending an Edgedancer, Lift emerged and volunteered. The rulers tried to tactfully decline as they wanted someone more mature, while Lift pointed out that Wyndle was famous on account of his chair collection. Godeke spoke up and was send instead.{{book ref|sa4|19}}
== Relationships ==


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