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m (Chaos2651 moved page Feasting Basin to Feasting basin: not a proper noun)
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| The world itself seemed close to ending, and the Alethi threw a party.
| Dalinar {{book ref|sa2|67}}
The '''feasting basin''' is ana arealocation in the [[Alethi]] warcamps on the [[Shattered Plains]] warcampsof where[[Roshar]]. kingLocated near the [[Pinnacle]], it is where [[Elhokar Kholin]] hosts his parties.{{book ref|sa1|22}}
== Location and Appearance ==
The feasting basin is located at the feetfoot of the hill holding the [[Pinnacle]], Elhokar's palace on the Plains. It's open-air, shaped like a shallow bowl with five circular platforms rising up from it,; the platforms were created through [[Soulcasting]].{{book ref|sa2|67}} ThoseThe platforms are connected to each other by bridges, with railings done in fine scrollwork that has to be stowed away when not in use to protect it from moisture.{{book ref|sa1|22}}
For most parties, the basin is flooded by diverting the water from a nearby stream, turning it into a small lake,. whileThe theraised platforms becomethen function as islands, and are generally referred to as such.{{book ref|sa1|22}} HowThe fullamount of water that fills the lake is depends on howthe muchamount of water is flowing intoin the stream at the present, which invaries turn dependsdepending on the weather and the time of year.{{book ref|sa1|54}} On some occassionsoccasions, numerous [[sphere]]s infused sphereswith [[Stormlight]] are thrown into the water to make it glow for ambience.{{book ref|sa2|67}}
EachThere islandare isbraziers filledset withup tableson the sides of foodeach andisland drinkto forkeep the participants, aswarm; wellthe asbraziers chairsare forreplaced peoplewith toheating sit[[fabrial]]s andafter enjoy[[Navani]] them.arrives One ofat the islandsPlains. holdsThe aislands sparringare ringfilled forwith youngtables brightlordsof whofood wishand todrink showfor offthe their swordsmanship. Elsewhereparticipants, thereas arewell easelsas and drawing toolschairs for womenpeople to boastsit theirand ownenjoy skillsthe feast.{{book ref|sa1|22}} The king has his own feasting island, on which he entertains his family and guests of honor. There are braziers set up on the sides of every island to keep the participants warm, though after [[Navani]] arrives at the Plains, they are replaced with heating [[fabrial]]s.{{book ref|sa1|54}}
As withMirroring most [[Vorin]] [[lighteyes]] ballrooms, four of the basin's islands are segregated by gender -- —two for men, two for women. One of the islands holds a sparring ring for young brightlords who wish to show off their swordsmanship. Elsewhere, there are easels and drawing tools for women to display their skills.{{book ref|sa1|22}} The king's island, by contrast, is freeopen forto bothpeople of any gender, allowing everyonevarious powerful nobles equal access to the king.{{book ref|sa2|67}}
== The Parties History==
The feasting basin iswas the premier spot for parties for the high-born occupants of the warcamps, giving [[lighteyes]] the opportunity to see and interact with the king. They arepresented a chanceopportunities for people to not only mingle with other members of their social class, but also to play politics, both international and domestic.{{book ref|sa1|54}} Usually, most, if not all [[highprinceHighprince]]s canrarely bemissed foundattending attendingany feasts held at the feastsbasin.{{book ref|sa2|67}} ForThe youngerhigh-profile lighteyes,setting of the feasts are a chanceled to showsome offnotable theirincidents fashionof andpolitical catchmaneuvering upbetween onthe rumours. Sometimeshighprinces, quickoften duelsincited areby fought[[Torol in the sparring ring to defend one's honor from this or thatSadeas]].{{book ref|sa1|22}} The parties are also a chance to see what the general mood of the Alethi high society is, as well as a chance to have some good food, as while most of the camps eat [[Soulcasting|Soulcast]] meat and grain, the dishes at the feasts are always heavily spiced. The King's [[Wit]] has taken to sitting by the entrance to one of the islands and insult everyone who comes in.{{book ref|sa1|2254}}
For younger lighteyes, the feasts were a chance to show off their fashion and catch up on rumors. The sparring ring in the basin was generally used for friendly duels, although it could also be used for hostile duels for honor if needed.{{book ref|sa1|22}} The parties were also a chance to observe the general mood of Alethi high society, as well as a chance to have some good food; while most of the food in the camps contained bland [[Soulcasting|Soulcast]] meat and grain, the dishes at the feasts were always heavily spiced. The King's [[Wit]] took to sitting by the entrance to one of the islands so that he could insult everyone who came in.{{book ref|sa1|22}}
As the basin lacks a roof, where the party is held depends on the predictions of [[stormwarden]]s. Should they predict a highstorm, or rain, the feast is moved inside the [[Pinnacle]].{{book ref|sa1|22}}
As the basin lackslacked a roof, whereparties the partythere iswere heldplanned dependsbased on the predictions of [[stormwarden]]s. Should they predict a [[highstorm,]] or rainother adverse weather, the feast iswould movedbe inside the [[Pinnacle]]cancelled.{{book ref|sa1|22}}
Early on, there are no guards on the islands; however, as the tensions between the highprinces begin to rise and the fear of the [[Assassin in White]] spreads, more and more brightlords bring bodyguards with them. After the party, they are sometimes allowed to have the remaining food for themselves.{{book ref|sa2|67}}
Early onin Elhokar's reign, there arewere nofew guards on the islands; however, as the tensions between the highprinces beginbegan to rise and the fear of the [[Assassin in White]] spreadsspread, more and more brightlords bringbrought bodyguards with them. After the party, they arewere sometimes allowed to have the remaining food for themselves.{{book ref|sa2|67}}
After the [[True Desolation]] begins, the feasting basin is no longer in use, as most Alethi, including the king, abandon the warcamps for [[Urithiru]].{{book ref|sa3|50}}
After the [[True Desolation]] beginsbegan, the feasting basin isfell noout longer inof use, asafter the king and most Alethi,of includinghis the king,subjects abandonabandoned the warcamps for [[Urithiru]].{{book ref|sa3|50}}
== Notes ==
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