Diferencia entre revisiones de «Fantasma»

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In early {{date|1021|fe}}, as Kelsier's plan to overthrow the [[Final Empire]] was getting started, he was fifteen.{{book ref|mb1|22}} Spook iswas initially very shy after joining [[Kelsier's crew]], as he still speaksspoke in Eastern street slang, which makesmade it hard for the rest of the crew to fully understoodunderstand him.{{book ref|mb1|24}}
After the [[Collapse]], he iswas much more confident. He stopsstopped using his street cant and growsgrew to over six feet tall, barely resembling the gangly boy he was before. On at least one occasion, he wore a beard as disguise.{{book ref|mb2|6}}
Around this time he startsstarted to show his like for women, almost any type. He doesn’tdidn't get much response, but he likesliked to flirt a lot.{{book ref|mb2|25}}
His confidence is howeverwas not constant, and he hashad a feeling of inferiority, of being invisible, dismissible and ignored.{{book ref|mb1|49}} After Clubs' death he addsadded to this a sense of guilt for leaving hethe crew and trying to escape Luthadel while taking Vin and Elend. The greatest consequence was for him was to keep burning tin for a year and sensing it all. He had a huge desire to feel useful and being recognized for it.{{book ref|mb2|14}}
== Attributes and Abilities ==


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