Diferencia entre revisiones de «Usuario:Jarno87/Adolin»

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→‎The Return of the Assassin in White: more verb tenses and tried to clarify grammar
m (→‎Disarming the Shardbearers: more verbs; tried to clarify grammar and limit run-on sentences)
m (→‎The Return of the Assassin in White: more verb tenses and tried to clarify grammar)
[[File:Facing off with the Assassin in White.jpg |thumb|right|350px|<center><small>by {{a|Jules Aguimatang}}</small></center> Facing off with the [[Assassin in White]] ]]
After Eshonai's messenger's arrival and confirmation of the meeting place, Kaladin wanted to evacuate the palace, as he had a sudden feeling it was unsafe, even though the highstorm had just ended. As they moved to do so, [[Szeth]] arrived. Dalinar sendsent Renarin with Elhokar to protect him while he, Adolin, and Kaladin faced off against the Assassin in White, not knowing that heSzeth was there to kill Dalinar, not Elhokar. Adolin wanted to take on the assassin himself, but Dalinar said they'd fight him together. During the fight, Adolin got Lashed to the ceiling by Szeth. Later heHe fell later when the stormlight had run out, landing on his shoulder, and was removed from the fight, appearing unconscious to Kaladin.{{book ref|sa2|32}} After the fight, Adolin seemed to doubt Kaladin's account of how he had survived. He was particularly curious as to why Kaladin's arm seemed fine buteven though the sleeve wasappeared cutto after the arm hadhave been cut by Szeth's blade.{{book ref|sa2|33}} The next day, Adolin reflected on the night's encounter more and found Kaladin to have been suspiciously effective against Szeth. After watching the Soulcasters create a new windbreak, he grilled Kadash, the supervising ardent, about the Radiants and told him to do more research into them.{{book ref|sa2|35}}
At the meeting of the Highprinces, Adolin worried about his effectiveness in protecting his father from the Assassin in White when he had been useless the last time. While the meeting was on break, he went to [[Relis]], current duelling champion, son of Highprince Ruthar and full Shardbearer, and tried to goad him into a duel. While Relis refused, even with five of the Kholins' shards on the line, he managed to hook Relis's cousin Elit. Afterwards, he was cornered by Sadeas, who told him that what he didhad done at the Battle of the Tower was done as a kindness to Adolin's father. Adolin threatened Sadeas with a slow death and reflected how society found andan offense in person worse than abandoning naan llyally on the battlefield to certain death. He almost punched Sadeas in the face, but was stopped by [[Amaram]]. Adolin tried to convince Amaram to secede, but Amaram said he must remain with Sadeas to help bridge gaps, adding that he and Sadeas havehad an understanding. Adolin doubted Amaram's sterling reputation. He was distracted, however, by the arrival of [[Shallan]] and was struck by her beauty. When he approached her, he overhearedoverheard her informing his aunt and father of Jasnah's death.{{book ref|sa2|37}}
Adolin and Shallan met and flirted for a while before Adolin was sent away by his father. Dalinar revealed to Shallan while Adolin iswas away, that the reason he agreed to the causal betrothal was to make Adolin seem unavailable to those who would manipulate him for political gain. She had to persuade him, Navani, and Adolin to turn the causal into a full betrothal. At the meeting, Dalinar told the gathered Highprinces that Adolin would win their shards from them, which they took to be a joke.{{book ref|sa2|38}}
While at the training grounds, Adolin and Kaladin came to a silent understanding that they both needed to train harder if they were going to best the Assassin in White when he inevitably returned. When Shallan arrived, Adolin assumed she iswas there to watch him. After taunting Kaladin a little, Adolin revealed, when asked, that he doesndidn't mind being betrothed, and was hoping that the formality of the arrangement willwould keep it from falling apart. When Shallan ignored Adolin, it was Kaladin's turn to mock Adolin. When Adolin askdasked Shallan if she needed him to pose so she cancould sketch his plate and blade for her records, but she declined, saying his mother's sketches were more than adequate.{{book ref|sa2|44}} Later Adolin, leading the Kholin army, won a plateau run alongside [[Bethab]]'s army.{{book ref|sa2|46}}
[[File:Shallan Adolin.jpg|thumb|left|200px|<center><small>by {{a|Shuravf}}</small></center> Adolin and Shallan]]


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