Diferencia entre revisiones de «Usuario:Jarno87/Adolin»

→‎Disarming the Shardbearers: more verbs; tried to clarify grammar and limit run-on sentences
m (→‎The Battle of the Tower: missed a verb; added commas)
m (→‎Disarming the Shardbearers: more verbs; tried to clarify grammar and limit run-on sentences)
==== Disarming the Shardbearers ====
After a highstorm, glyphs mysteriously appeared in Dalinar's rooms and; during the inspection that followsfollowed, Dalinar noted Adolin's dislike of Kaladin. {{book ref|sa2|4}} Before the meeting with his generals, Adolin asked Dalinar if Kaladin should be waiting outside. This made Kaladin wonder if Adolin knew or suspected something about his Radiant powers, and he came to the conclusion that the prince iswas very spoiled.{{book ref|sa2|5}} During the meeting, Adolin brought up the idea of forming a coalition to counteract whatever one Sadeas formsformed, which would probably divide the kingdom in two. Dalinar countered that Alethkar as a kingdom hadn't existed in centuries and what existed now was mockery. Following up on this idea, Kaladin mentioned taking away the shards of the other highprinces' Shardbearers. Adolin, who until now had been banned from dueling, was tasked with this challenge.{{book ref|sa2|5}}
Before his duel against [[Salinor Eved]], Adolin went through his pre-dueling rituals. Alone in the meditation room, he talked with his Shardblade, where he confided that he wasn't as confident as he made it out to everyone else and thanked the Shardblade for all it had done for him. After Renarin made sure everything was in place, he headed out while Navani burned a prayer for Adolin. Adolin revealed he was worried about how late Jasnah was and the possibility of not meeting Shallan. He also mentioned that he was the one who had broken off the relationship with Danlan, citing that it had not been his fault and that she had said some things to her friends that had turned him off from their courting.{{book ref|sa2|14}}
During the duel, Adolin employed [[Ironstance]] in a brutal display, treating Salinor like a new recruit. He felt the Thrill during the duel, something that he hadn't felt before. He drew the ire of Highjudge [[Istow]] for using hand-to-hand combat techniques to break Salinor's helm and breastplate. He countered her by saying he had broken no rules. The Thrill faded from him after he wrapped his hand around Salinor's neck. After the duel, he gave the Shardblade to Renarin as a present. Navani speculated that he went for such a brutal and unskilled method as a way of masking his true skill, and Adolin allowed her to believe this.{{book ref|sa2|14}}
At the training grounds, Adolin and Kaladin's dislike for one another only grew. Adolin told Kaladin he didn't trust him and that even though Kaladin's job was to keep him alive, he could take care of himself. andHe felt Kaladin should instead spend his time keeping Renarin safe. Adolin had brought Renarin to the training grounds to petition Zahel to train him.{{book ref|sa2|16}} When Zahel tested Kaladin's ability to protect Renarin, Adolin joined in, deliberately provoking Kaladin. The two fightfought and, in the end, after heAdolin threw Kaladin off him, Zahel chewed him out for fighting an unarmed sparring partner with such force.{{book ref|sa2|18}}
During a highstorm, Kaladin found Adolin looking at a fashion magazine and questionsquestioned why, as all heAdolin wore was uniforms. Adolin, annoyed, asked Kaladin if he really needed to be there. When Kaladin explained, Adolin asked that he at least would leave him and Renarin out of it. Then Dalinar, Adolin, and Kaladin discussed the plan to duel the Shardbearers. Adolin had expected theyother Shardbearers would want to challenge him after Salinor, but they were stalling. Amaram was the only Shardbearer in Sadeas's camp, andbut they wantwanted to leave him if alone, as Dalinar thought he could be brought over to their side. Adolin explainsexplained he planned to challenge other half Shardbearers in the hope thisthat that would makesmake him look like a challenge to others. When Kaladin pointed out the flaws of this, Dalinar agreed with him and tellstold Adolin he doesndidn't have to win every Shard in the warcamps. TheyWarcamps--they simply had to undermine Sadeas and kill him in a duel if they cancould.{{book ref|sa2|23}}
While the bridgemen learnlearned how to ride horses, Adolin and Renarin were out exercising theirs. Adolin taunted Kaladin's difficulties with [[Spray]], the horse he's was riding. He ended up goading Kaladin into riding [[Dreamstorm]] and called him mad when Kaladin followed through and inevitably got thrown from the horse's back. He later thanked Kaladin for not telling his father that he more or less dared Kaladin to do it.{{book ref|sa2|25}}
As part of the second phase of Dalinar's plan, Adolin arrived with a small strike force to help Jakamav and Roion's forces on a plateau to encourage cooperation between the Warcamps. Once they got to the chrysalis, Adolin discovered the Parshendi had already harvested the gemheart. Adolin spotted Eshonai and demanded that she fight him. He was surprised when she called him by name and asked if she would be able to meet Dalinar. Fighting the Thrill, Adolin told her Dalinar would want to speak with her and. Eshonai replied that she would send a messenger to set up the meeting. Afterwards, he talked again with Jakamav, who warned Adolin that if he keepskept dueling, he would end up losing his shards. Adolin invited Jakamav out for drinking, but iswas told being seen with him iswas bad for one's reputation.{{book ref|sa2|26}}
In his dueling bout with Eranniv, Adolin made it appear as though he barely had the skill to beat his opponent in the hope that this would make other Shardbearers eager to fight him. He won the duel and took Eranniv's Shardplate.{{book ref|sa2|29}}
