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The Purelake is home to an abundance of lifeforms such as fish, [[cremling]]s, and [[riverspren]].{{book ref|sa1|i|1}} The area is also known for having small brown flies, similar in appearance to [[hungerspren]].{{book ref|sa3|19}} Trees can be found on the shores of the Purelake,{{book ref|sa3|92}} along with a type of slug used to create a clothing dye known as [[Mycalin]] red.{{book ref|sa3|i|8}}
The fish in the Purelake have magical properties{{book ref|sa3|90}} and form symbiotic bonds with [[spren]].{{wob ref|2109}} This [[Investiture]] does not come from [[Honor]],{{wob ref|11986}} but may come from [[Cultivation]].{{wob ref|460}} The magical nature of these fish is similar to that of [[Aviar]] from the island [[Patji (island)|Patji]], on the planet [[First of the Sun]].{{wob ref|8201}}
The exact magical manifestations of these animals is unknown. The local inhabitants believe certain creatures to imbue specific supernatural gifts; however, it is yet to be seen whether the Purelakers' superstitions are based in fact or fiction. While it may be the case that these fish grant the abilities specified by the native inhabitants, it is uncertain whether the Purelaker religion correlates directly with the magical properties of these lifeforms.{{book ref|sa1|i|1}}