Diferencia entre revisiones de «Fantasma»

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=== Kelsier ===
Spook had a particular relationship with Kelsier. The latter named him Spook and gave him a spot in his Crew. It was more than a favor to Clubs which is shown by Kelsier’s interest on talking with him on his native language and giving him moral support. After Kelsier’s death, much of Spook's efforts are to become someone that he would have been proud of{{book ref|mb3|14}} to the point where Ruin uses this connection to impersonate Kelsier's voice in Spook’s mind.{{book ref|mb2|14}}
After his death, Kelsier continues to follow Spook and sends him "Hope" messages which might have helped him get lose of Ruin, and after doing so and falling, Keliser held Spook with Peservation's power.{{msh ref|6|5}}
=== Vin ===


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