Diferencia entre revisiones de «Fantasma»

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m (fixref)
During his stay at [[Urteau]], he became an [[Allomancy|Allomantic]] savant, burning tin all the time, to spy on [[Quellion]] and [[Beldre]].{{ref|b|mb3|c|14}} He was corrupted by [[Ruin]] with a [[Hemalurgy|Hemalurgic]] spike granting him [[Pewter|Thug]] abilities which caused him to have visions of [[Kelsier]]. He was later called the '''Survivor of the Flames'''.{{ref|b|mb3|38}} He eventually realised this and pulled the spike out of himself.{{ref|b|mb3|c|58}}
==The Final Ascension==
After the [[Final Ascension]] he lead the survivors into the ''new world'' created by [[Sazed]] and was given the full powers of a [[Allomancy#Mistborn|Mistborn]].{{ref|b|mb3|epilogue}} However, he was not the strength of a [[lerasium]] Mistborn, but a Mistborn of the strength at the end of the Final Empire. Sazed also helaedhealed the damage Spook had done to himself by becoming a tin Savant.
Spook was referred to as the '''Lord Mistborn'''. It is not clear what his role in that early government was, but he was clearly very prominent and powerful, judging by him changing Eastern street slang into [[High Imperial]]. However, Spook is confirmed to be a "stud" after the Final Ascension.{{ref|17s|2383|post|42124|Spook is a 'stud'}}
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