Diferencia entre revisiones de «Usuario discusión:Mathy Nerdius»

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reply to Stargazer
(reply to Stargazer)
The second main thing I wanted to mention is that when you save an edit, it's usually good to check the references section to make sure all of the wobs you used have been imported (basically, we have to create a page on the Coppermind that stores some the metadata so that the references look nice). If you look [[User:Big_Smooth/Sandbox#Notes|here]], you can see the difference in how imported and unimported wobs show up in the References section. To import a wob, all you have to do is click the "missing reference description, click to import" red link and then save the new page that comes up (for an example of what the cite page actually looks like after you're done, see [[Cite:Arcanum-3125‎]]). This is another very minor that's easy to miss thing, so again, don't feel bad about not knowing it; like I said, you're doing amazing work overall. Feel free to reach out if you have any questions and happy editing!<br />
--[[User:Stargazer|Stargazer]] ([[User talk:Stargazer|talk]]) 22:37, 17 June 2020 (UTC)
Hey Stargazer! Thank you for your response! I agree, keeping the section names in-world does make much more sense. And yes, I did go quite overboard on Abraham's history section. I noticed this morning that all of that information probably wasn't needed, but I didn't have the time to sift through all of that today. And no, I actually didn't copy any of that information from anywhere. I just skimmed through all three books looking for info on Abraham. Probably wasn't the best way to spend my day, but it was fun nonetheless.
And thank you!! I was just made an editor a few days ago, and was used to not being able to import wobs before. I completely forgot I could make pages now! Oops. :)


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