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==Appearance and Personality==
Hesina is a pretty darkeyed woman, with full lips, a narrow face and a bold chin.{{book ref|sa1|10}} She is tall and stands several fingers above her husband.{{book ref|sa1|25}}{{book ref|sa3|6}} She has dark hair that is usually in a tail and wrapped in a kerchief.{{book ref|sa1|25}} Hesina often wears brown clothing, sometimes with a hint of color.{{book ref|sa1|25}}{{book ref|sa1|37}} During the colder months, she wears a knitted hat over her kerchief and a long brown coat to keep warm.{{book ref|sa1|25}} Like many [[darkeyed]] women,{{book ref|sa1|3}} she covers her [[safehand]] with a glove as it is more practical.{{book ref|sa1|6}}
Hesina is quick witted and sharp tongued.{{book ref|sa1|25}} She is open minded{{book ref|sa1|44}} and wishes for her children to have a choice over their future [[Calling]]s.{{book ref|sa1|44}} She is an eloquent speaker and expects the same of her children.{{book ref|sa1|25}} Unlike the other mothers in the Hearthstone, Hesina rarely chastises her sons for odd behaviour and sometimes joins them.{{book ref|sa1|44}} She enjoys working around the town, cleaning buildings and removing [[crem]], as she finds it a useful way to clear her head.{{book ref|sa1|25}}
<gallery caption="Images of Hesina">
Hesina portrait.png | Portrait by [[User:Therustyrobot]]
Lirin and hesina.jpg | With Lirin by [[User: Sheep]]
== History ==
Hesina's exact birthplace and early life are unknown. After meeting [[Lirin]], Hesina moved away from her family to live in Hearthstone,{{book ref|sa1|31}} and began a family. Two years after the birth of her first son, [[Kaladin]], Hesina was blessed with the birth of her second child, [[Tien]].{{book ref|sa1|16}} There is a large age gap of eighteen years between Tien and her third child, [[Oroden]].{{book ref|sa1|16}}{{book ref|sa3|7}}
[[fileFile:Lirin_and_hesina.jpg|thumb|right|150px|Lirin and Hesina, <small><center>by [[User:Sheep]]</center></small>Lirin and Hesina]]
Due to their close ties to the local Brightlord, Hesina and her husband had hoped to secure an allegiance between the two families through marriage.{{book ref|sa1|25}} When Brightlord [[Wistiow]] fell gravely ill, making the likelihood of the union improbable, Hesina and her husband conspired to steal a significant amount of wealth from the Brightlord to secure passage for their son to continue his studies in [[Kharbranth]].{{book ref|sa1|37}} The family claimed that the [[spheres#currency|diamond broams]]{{book ref|sa1|16}} had been bequeathed to Lirin by Wistiow on his deathbed, a claim that they supported with forged documentation.{{book ref|sa1|25}} Despite their best efforts to legitimize the agreement, rumors of theft persisted amongst the other townsfolk.
Hesina and her husband had hoped that one day their son Kaladin would be able to marry Laral, the daughter of the Brightlord Wistiow.{{book ref|sa1|16}} During his earlier years, his parents had often encouraged both Kaladin and his brother to play with Laral to help strengthen the bonds between the two families.{{book ref|sa1|25}} Hesina often banters with her son, Kaladin, who had inherited her tendency towards clever word play.{{book ref|sa1|25}}
As a child, Kaladin remembers his parents being at odds with each other over the importance of his commitment to study. While his father wished for him to focus on his future and the chance to study and learn in Kharbranth, his mother wished for him to be able to enjoy his childhood.{{book ref|sa1|16}} Whether due to, or despite these disagreements, Kaladin is granted two hours a day by his father where he is not required to study.{{book ref|sasa1|16}} After the arrival of Roshone, Kaladin's parents try and get him to Kharbranth earlier than normally allowed, writing to the surgeons and requesting for their son to take the entry tests early. Their request is denied.{{book ref|sa1|31}}
When they are reunited, Kaladin finds that his mother still treats him like the child despite their many years apart.{{book ref|sa3|6}} She is delighted to find out that her son is a Knight Radiant.{{book ref|sa3|7}}

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