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Depreciating Notable Articles category
m (→‎Series Identifier: Update with Skyward and new DE template)
m (Depreciating Notable Articles category)
Quality tags are massively useful for editors. Quality generally indicates the amount of information on a page, and are judged on how "complete" they are. These are generated with a template that goes right above the main series navigation box.
The fourthree main [[category:article statuses|quality tags]] are:
* Stubs, use {{t|stub}}
* Partially complete articles, use {{t|partial}}
*Articles nearingComplete completionarticles, use {{t|complete}}
*Complete articles, add |reviewed=yes to {{t|complete}}
Stubs are articles that have barely any information. Partially completed articles have a wide range, but generally have some or most of the information on a subject.
Articles nearing completion is for articles that you as an editor believe to be content complete (hence the use of {{t|complete}}). RegularOnce editorsan shouldarticle notis use the Complete articles categorycomplete, whicha should[[Coppermind:Keepers|Keeper]] bewill usedreview whenit Coppermindand staffmark lookit at the "nearlyas {{t|complete" article|<nowiki>~~~~</nowiki>}}, verifywhich itsadds completeness,that thenKeeper's addsignature to the reviewed=yespage tag to it.and
There areis twoa additionalfurther tagsquality oftag, this type that are not required: [[:Category: Notable articles{{t|Notable articles]] andexemplary}}. [[:Category: Exemplary articles|Exemplary articles]]. Notablemust articlesbe arecomplete differentand fromreviewed, otherwell qualityorganized tagsand in that it indicates the importance of the topicwritten, whichand is generally reserved for important aspects to big series or books. The exemplary tag is forare the very best articles on the Coppermind. ExemplaryThis articlestag must be Complete as well as Notable, andis also well written. To tag something as Exemplary, use {{t|exemplary}} near the topused ofby the articleKeepers.
Rarely, articles will lack a quality tag, or will have a {{t|meta}} quality tag. These include Coppermind articles (which are not "Content" articles), verbatim sources like epigraphs, and some summary articles.
==Full Hierarchy of Categories==

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