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|books=[[Mistborn Era 1]]
'''Rittle''' is a guard in [[Luthadel]] on [[Scadrial]].{{book ref|mb3|52}}
==Appearance and Personality==
He is on guard with [[Wellen]] the night that [[TenSoon]] acts as [[Kelsier]].{{book ref|mb3|52}}
He is not much for small talk. He wears a pendant of a silver spear, as he is a member of the [[Church of the Survivor]].{{book ref|mb3|52}}{{book ref|mb3|80}}
He was on guard with [[Wellen]] on the night that [[TenSoon]] impersonated [[Kelsier]].{{book ref|mb3|52}} He was shocked and afraid to see "Kelsier", although he asked him why had sent the [[mist]]s to kill them and he did not want to divulge information about King [[Penrod]].{{book ref|mb3|52}} He told TenSoon that no one knew [[Vin]]'s whereabouts.{{book ref|mb3|52}} TenSoon went on to tell Rittle and Wellen to lead people out of the city due to impending disaster.{{book ref|mb3|52}}
Rittle, Wellen, and a small group of other people that saw TenSoon set an evacuation into motion that resulted in hundreds of thousands of refugees heading to the [[Pits of Hathsin]].{{book ref|mb3|80}} Rittle and Wellen were asked to speak to [[Demoux]] and [[Elend]] to verify their account of Kelsier. Rittle told Elend that he was certain they had seen Kelsier, although Elend noted that he had not left his best soldiers behind when he left Luthadel, and that Rittle did not look like a reliable witness. However, Rittle was insistent that he recognized Kelsier; he had converted to the Church of the Survivor on the day of Kelsier's death and he had seen him in person at the [[Arguois caverns]] on the day that Demoux fought [[Bilg]].{{book ref|mb1|21}}{{book ref|mb3|52}} Elend was still somewhat skeptical of his account, but believed that Rittle and Wellen were heroes anyway given the turmoil in Luthadel.{{book ref|mb3|52}}
== Notes ==
Editors, Keepers


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