Diferencia entre revisiones de «Yolen»

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|[[Khriss]]{{msh ref|3|2}}
'''Yolen''' is a planet in the [[Cosmere]] where the [[Shattering of Adonalsium]] happened.{{wob ref|11602}}{{wob ref|3919}} It's the homeworld of all the original [[Vessel]]s, along with [[Hoid]] and [[Frost]].{{wob ref|4736}}{{wob ref|8343}} The inhabitants of Yolen are called the Yolish.{{book ref|sa3|part=ars}}
Yolen is one of the oldest inhabited worlds in the cosmere, and the first on which humans have appeared.{{wob ref|822}} It's also the homeworld of [[Adonalsium]], the entity believed to be cosmere's creator deity.{{wob ref|11398}} At some point, fain either appeared or traveled there, and began spreading, overtaking the original landscape. After some time, the original inhabitants learned how to deal with it and keep it back.{{wob ref|7825}}
At some point, sixteen Yolish people{{wob ref|7939}} -- not all of themwhom were human{{wob ref|4736}} -- came together to kill Adonalsium for various reasons.{{msh ref|3|2}} The [[Shattering of Adonalsium]], as it came to be known, dramatically altered the entire cosmere. All [[Investiture]] that once belonged to Adonalsium was divided between the [[Shard]]s created by its death, and the preexisting magic systems were altered in how they functioned.{{wob ref|8605}}{{wob ref|3314}}
Following the Shattering, most Shards left Yolen to go their own separate ways.{{epigraph ref|sa3|39}} Many humans have also abandoned it, spreading across the cosmere.{{wob ref|3773}} Over the following millennia, it has become hidden in some way, shrouded from prying eyes, making reaching and researching it extremely difficult.{{msh ref|3|2}} By the time of the [[True Desolation]] on Roshar, its remaining population is very small, although the fain ecosystem seems to be doing just fine.{{wob ref|6545}}{{au ref|Scadrian}}
=== Particle Manipulation ===
Yolen is host to some form of magic related to manipulating sub-atomic particles. The power allows its users to observe atoms and interact with them directly.{{wob ref|3812}} This being said, this power is incapable of creating nuclear fission.{{wob ref|3308}} In that system, the atoms are referred to as '''[[axi]]'''. Modern cosmere scholars use the term either in this context, or to refer to a smallest theoretialtheoretical division of matter.{{wob ref|11359}}
== Notable Yolish ==


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