Diferencia entre revisiones de «Yolen»

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== Geography and Ecology ==
Very little is known about Yolish geography, other than that it has some unusual features.{{wob ref|3377}} Its gravity and other measurements are considered the '''cosmere standard''' by [[cosmere]]-aware scholars like [[Khriss]]. Its ecology is divided into two distinct parts. Parts of it are similar to post-[[Catacendre]] [[Scadrial]], with similar flora and fauna. Other parts are coverd in '''fainlife''', a poorly-understood, parasitic ecosystem hostile to humans.{{au ref|Scadrian}}{{wob ref|7825}} Although fain has the shape of ordinary flora, the plants and land overtaken by it are bone-white, and spill red liquid when crushed or snapped.{{wob ref|9518}}
Yolen is home to three sapient races: humans, [[Dragon (cosmere)|dragons]] and [[Sho Del]].{{wob ref|3768}} By [[Roshar]]an year {{Rosharan date|1174}}, [[Frost]] is the only known inhabitant, and though there are more people living there, the Yolish population is rather small.{{wob ref|2565}}{{wob ref|6545}} While not all humans originated from Yolen, it was the first world on which they've appeared.{{wob ref|822}} Many languages currently in use across the [[cosmere]] are derived from Yolish ones.{{wob ref|3773}}
