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=== Chapter 4 ===
[[Spensa]] and [[Kimmalyn]] enter the data bank room, colloquially called the library, and are greeted by [[Rodge McCaffrey|Rodge]], who informs them that the engineering crews have discovered the final video logs of the platforms before they were shut down. [[Cobb]], now the Admiral of the [[CobbDDF]], enters the room, and is greeted by Commander [[Ulan]]. Cobb tells Spensa to meet with him later, then gives the signal for the video to be played on a nearby computer screen. A technician turns on the volume, and a blonde engineer tells the monitor that the planet's defense platforms are insufficient and that the [[delver]] has tracked their communications and is fast approaching. He switches the screen to a camera on Platform Number 1132, as the sky begins to rapidly fill with stars, which Spensa quickly realizes are eyes, malevolent eyes, coming towards the planet. The shadow of the delver is cast over the platform, and Spensa sees a circular object at the center of the delver's dust cloud. The screen returns to the man in the library, where a woman reports the failure of the other platforms, and the imminent assault from the planet on the delver. The man continues typing, only to be consumed by the shadow of the delver, but not before the blackness gathers behind him, and forms a shape.: Spensa.
=== Chapter 5 ===

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