Diferencia entre revisiones de «Waxillium Ladrian»

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====Pursuit of a Mad Woman====
While attending Lady [[Lady ZoBell]]'s party]] with Steris, Wax met [[MeLaan]], a Faceless Immortal sent to help in the hunt for Bleeder by Harmony himself. In between chats with various nobility of the city, Wax began to hear a new voice in his head--mocking him and the people of Elendel. Wax soon realized he was hearing the voice of Bleeder, who had somehow learned to use the same Hermalurgic connection to him that Harmony had.{{book ref|mb5|9}} Using their connection to discover Bleeder's location at the party, Wax attempted to apprehend her, giving chase out a window and through the [[Mist]]s of the city outside.{{book ref|mb5|10}}
His pursuit of Bleeder waylaid by a dozen armed men, Wax was convinced that she must be aligned with the Set. Wax listened closely as Bleeder spoke in his mind of her plans to kill the governor and free the city from Harmony's influence, but first she claimed she would need to murder Wax's father. Guessing that she must have been threatening Lord Harms' life, Wax raced across the city, spiriting the old man and Steris to separate, secret locations. Finally believing he had moved one step ahead of Bleeder, Wax reported to Governor Innate to warn him of the dire threat to his life, only to discover that during his absence Bleeder had brutally killed [[Father Bin]], the [[Survivorist]] priest who was to perform his marriage ceremony to Steris.{{book ref|mb5|12}}

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