Diferencia entre revisiones de «Dakhor»

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m (qa ref to Arcanum)
m (Correct link to disambig)
The '''Dakhor''' is a manifestation of [[Investiture]] on [[Sel]], independent from [[AonDor]].{{annotation ref|Elantris|chapter=60-3|link=annotation-elantris-60-3}}{{wob ref|4216}} Its official name is unknown, but the users of this system are the monks of [[Dakhor Monastery]] in [[Fjorden]], including [[Dilaf]].
The Dakhor monks themselves are a newer development than [[Elantrian]]s.{{annotation ref|Elantris|chapter=63|link=annotation-elantris-chapter-63}} In fact, [[WyrnWulfden the Fourth]] was preparing to use them against Elantris before [[The Reod|the city fell on its own]].
Its exact mechanics are so far unclear, but will be explored more fully in the [[Elantris sequel]].{{wob ref|4288}}